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& Financial Assistance

Available PCAL Funding Opportunities


Creative Arts Scholarship

For Incoming Freshman

Retaining Scholarship

For Full-Time Arts Majors

Opportunity Scholarship


Research Funding

Undergraduate and Graduate


Many PCAL departments also have scholarship opportunities, please check their websites to apply.



Applying for Scholarships and Financial Assistance

When it comes to paying for college, it's important that you understand your options. The Office of Financial Assistance at WKU can provide you with the latest information about scholarships, financial aid applications, education loans, and college financing.

A variety of scholarships are offered by individual departments within Potter College of Arts & Letters. Scholarship requirements and availability vary from department to department and may change within the academic year. Click here for a list of Departmental Scholarships, and contact your department for more information.



Creative Arts Scholarship

Only incoming freshmen are eligible for this award.

The Potter College Creative Arts Scholarship is a competitive award, based on the requirements of the department in which you apply. Award amounts are between $1,000 and $9,000 per year, renewable each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. High school seniors are invited to apply if they plan to attend WKU and major in one of the degrees listed below.


Three Steps to Apply:

Step 1

Apply and be accepted to WKU by February 1st.

Please keep in mind that WKU must also receive your official high school transcripts by February 1 as part of this process.

Apply Now

Step 2

Complete the TopDollar application by February 1st.

Every applicant must complete the TopDollar scholarship application.

TopDollar Application

Step 3

Choose a Discipline.

Each discipline requires additional application requirements.

Visual Studies (studio, art education)

Visual Art (studio, graphic design)

Creative Writing


Music (performance)

Music (education)

Theatre (general)


Musical Theatre

Theatre Design and Technology (costumes, set design, technical direction, lighting, sound and stage management)





Retaining Scholarship

Scholarships are renewed each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters.  Terms for renewal include full-time status at Western Kentucky University, good academic standing (a cumulative GPA of 3.0+), and declaring and making reasonable progress toward an approved arts major (see above). Individual departments may have additional policies.

If you have any questions please contact Alicia Fryia in the Dean's Office at 270-745-2344 or email alicia.fryia@wku.edu.



Opportunity Scholarship Fund

The Potter College Opportunity Scholarship Fund is a needs-based fund available to assist enrolled PCAL students. Funding requests in any category will be considered, but we will prioritize applications where students are struggling with specific needs that can be resolved by a one-time disbursement of up to $500. The PCAL Opportunity Fund provides support for specific, one-time, discrete costs whose total value is less than $500. Requests that exceed $500 or ask to direct $500 toward an expense greater than $500, will not be funded.


Examples of requests that could be funded by the PCAL Opportunity Fund:

  • “After exhausting my financial aid, I am $281 short of being able to pay my tuition.”
  • “I need my car to be able to come to campus. I am facing a $412 car repair bill that I cannot pay.”

Example of things that will not be funded by the PCAL Opportunity Fund:

  • “My proposed study abroad trip will cost $3800. I would put anything up to $500 dollars towards the cost of the trip.”
  • “I would like to replace my current computer. The computer I would like to buy costs $1200. I would use any more I receive from this fund toward that.”


  1. Student must be enrolled at WKU.
  2. Student must be majoring in Potter College.
  3. Complete TOPDollar application for the semester.


Applications can be submitted at any time during the academic year. Students will be notified within one month of their application. Students may be awarded up to $500. Awards are non-renewable, but recipients may reapply for consideration in future years. Awards are contingent on funds available. Students will receive notification through their email account provided on application. For information on when a funded application will receive the monetary award, students should contact Susan Fitzpatrick in the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Awards will be processed through the Office of Student Financial Assistance and will be applied to student’s University bill first and disburse through according to student’s refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Students who have not set up their refund preference should contact the Refund and Collections Office at 270-745-2344 or email refunds@wku.edu.



first middle last

Are you enrolled at WKU?

Have you received an award from this fund in the past?

Recipients must be majoring in the Potter College of Arts & Letters.

Have you completed your TopDollar Application this year?

TopDollar must be completed each year.

Please enter a numerical value equal to or less than 500. Do not use "$" or decimals.

I have read the requirements and understand that the PCAL Opportunity Fund is a needs-based fund available to assist enrolled PCAL students with discrete needs. Applicants for students who are struggling with specific needs such as those listed in the examples that can be resolved by one-time disbursements will be prioritized. My application is requesting funding that is $500 or less.

Questions?  Email: potter.college@wku.edu | Phone: 270-745-2344



Office of Scholar Development & Undergraduate Research

The Office of Scholar Development (OSD), and its Office of Undergraduate Research supports students throughout the process of finding and applying for scholarships, internships, and a variety of post-graduation opportunities. From grants to graduate school, their staff members will work with individual students to write strong applications and proposals.

Learn More


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 WKU PCAL Diversity



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 Last Modified 8/14/24