Facebook Pixel Student EPS File Delete - Edtech - CEBS - WKU | Western Kentucky University

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Request to Remove File from the EPS

Please fill out the following form to remove files from the EPS system:
e.g. 8xxxxxxxx
e.g. 'EDU-250-001'
Name and Date of files to be removed
(for example: filename.doc   7/30/2007 11:00:03 AM
This information can easily be copy-pasted from the Internet Browser). The actual file name and date must be mentioned if the file is to be deleted.

If you have more files to remove you can submit them in another form, the link to which will appear after you submit this form.
Please make sure all the information you provided above is accurate. Once files have been deleted, the portfolio administrators CANNOT recover files. If a deleted file needs to be restored, it is the student's responsibility to re-upload the file.
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img verification


PLEASE IGNORE THIS SECTION OF THE FORM shown between these two lines. Your browser should not be displaying this section.
If you can read this, leave this field unchanged:
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Please fill out the rest of the form as you would normally.

 Last Modified 9/11/18