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The Graduate School - Thesis/Dissertation Committee Selection

Graduate Committee Selection

This form is required for thesis, specialist project, and dissertation students prior to enrollment in any 599, 699, or 799 course.  The committee chair must hold graduate faculty status.

Before submitting this form, it is the student's responsibility to confirm the willingness of each committee member listed below to serve on the committee.

Note: this form cannot be used for the Educational Leadership doctoral (Ed.D.) program.  Please contact the department to assist with your committee selection.


To complete this form, please enter the requested information in the text boxes.  Boxes marked with an asterisk are required.  If you have any questions, please call 270-745-2446 or email graduate.school@wku.edu.


Please choose your degree level


Please indicate the faculty member who is the head of the academic department



Please provide the email addresses for any committee members not employed by WKU


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 Last Modified 4/11/24