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WKU Archives - Photograph Collection

There are thousands of photographs, negatives, slides, post cards, drawings and digital images of documents and artifacts in the collection available for use by researchers in the University Archives. This website describes broad categories of images and provides short cut searches. There are no plans to scan every image. Check quarterly updates of TopScholar collection inventories for descriptions of photographs that haven't been digitized. Digitized images are available online using KenCat, use codes following descriptions below to search.

Images can be reproduced for a fee. Fee Schedule

Unidentified Photographs - Can you help us identify images?  Search KenCat using the term "unidentified" and send us feedback. 

Athletics  Groups / Organizations 1800s 1950-59 2010-19
Buildings & Structures  Logos & Symbols 1900-09 1960-69  
Collections Non-WKU Images 1910-19 1970-79  
Departments Photographers / Artists 1920-29 1980-89  
Documents Portraits 1930-39 1990-99  
Events Views 1940-49 2000-09  

 There are many images in the database without a date. 

Athletics - images of students participating on official university teams, intramural sports and other sporting events.  See Portraits for images of individual athletes and Athletic Media Relations collection UA1C11.5.* 

Buildings & Structures - Images of individual buildings and structures

Collections - images of people, buildings, events, etc., related to WKU taken by individual photographers or collectors and donated as a collection.

Departmental - images showing everyday activities of university departments.

Documents - images of WKU Archives documents scanned for publication or on-line exhibits. 

Events - images depicting annual and one time events such as anniversaries, award ceremonies, banquets, conferences, dedications, entertainment, exhibitions or lectures - collection inventory.  See also Public Relations collection UA1C11.1.* 

Groups & Organizations - images of six or more people identified by association or organization. These include faculty, staff, student and alumni groups:

Logos & Symbols - images of logos, symbols and signs used to represent the university, athletic teams, departments and organizations, includes images of  mascots. 

Non-WKU- Images of people, buildings, events, etc., in the collection, but not associated with WKU.  

Portraits - individuals and small groups of people, includes faculty, staff, students and alumni:

Views - WKU and its founding institutions showing multiple buildings. Includes aerial photographs.

Photographers / Artists

Adams, Jeanie
Adler, Francisco
Aero-Graphic Corporation
Allen, Louis
Allis, Jan
Alumni Magazine
American Composite Corporation
Applewhite, Scott 1973-1974
Arbeleaz, G.
Arrasmith & Judd
Arrasmith, W.S. & Joseph P. Wilk
Ashby, Frank
Astin, ?
Baker, John
Baker, Tom
Banahan, David 1978
Barnes, Donnie
Barrone, Bert
Bass, William
Battles, Jim
Beauchamp, Donnie
Bell, Ron 1984
Benson, Stevie 1982
Bettcher, Adam
Bettison's Gallery
Bewley, Drew
Bishop, S.
Bishop, Wilsie 1972-1973
Bohannon, ?
Borchuck, James
Bottomley, T.F.
Boyar, Stephaine
Boyd, John
Brady, Jason 1973-1976
Brockmeyer, C.
Books, David
Brooks, Mark
Bruce, Don 1978
Bruno of Hollywood
Buchanan, Todd 
Bullock, M.D.
Burrill, Stuart
Burris, Todd
Burton, Jim 1978
C.T. American Art
Carneal, Sandy
Carpenter, M.
Caufield & Shook
Cayce Photo
Chappell Studio
Chard, Robin
Cherry, Thomas
Chism, Pat
Clark, Gary
Clayworth, ?
Cline, Photo
Coffey, Bob 1974-1975
College Heights Herald
Collins, Bill
Collins, Mike 1981-1983
Conway, Sheila
Cook, Harry L.
Cornetet, Robin 1992
Courtney, Pat
Covington, Orion
Cunningham, Crystal
Curt Teich & Co., Inc.
Curtis, Stacy
Cuson, Greg
Dalton, B.H.
Daly, Jamie
Daniel & Tippit
Davis, Brinton B.
Daniel's Creative Photography
Daniel, J.
Davis, Billy
Deckle, Tom 1977
Deel, Judy
Deputy, ?
DeWolfe, Henry
Dexter Press
Dieht's Studio
Doane, Jim
Douglas, Mike 1983
Dowell, Mike 1989
Drake, Sandi
Draper, Bill
Dunn, David
E.C. Kropp Co.
Eans, Kevin 1987
Eastern Kentucky University
Edwards, Bruce 1973-1975
Ericson, O.T.
Erwin, Mark 1973
Evansville Junior Chamber of Commerce
F.M. Kirby & Co.
Flora, Stephen 1973
Four Footed Fotos, Inc.
Frank, David 1978-1981
Franklin Studio
Franklin, Julia
Fuskine, Robert
Gardler, F.
Gardner, Lewis 1958
Gardner, Richard
Gensheimer, Jim 1983
Gibbons, David 1973
Gibson, Debbie 1978
Gibson, Tommy
Glowacki, Joe 1967-1968
Goldberger, Edward
Gordon, Mark 1973-1982
Gosnell, Omer
Gough Photo Service
Graham Photography
Graham's Studio
Griffith, Rachel 1991-1994
Hagan, Cliff
Hagen-Booth, Sheryl
Hairlson, Gary 1983
Hamilton, T.J. 1989
Hammer, Robbie
Hampton, Thomas
Harper, Ken
Harris, Brian
Harrison, L.
Haskins, Ron
Hassler, Eric 1978-1981
Healy, Mike
Hearion, Ernie
Henderson, Andrew
Hensley, Allen
Herion, Ernie
Hesse Studio
Hightower, Paul 1971
Hinkle, Harvey
Hinshaw, Fred
Hoskins, Ron
Howell, Dan
Hughes Photography
Hughes, Tommy 1971-1972
Imel, Joe
Johnson & Cain
Johnson & St. Clair Architects
Johnson, Ches
Johnson, H.L.
Johnson, Johnson & Roy, Inc.
Johnson, R. Ben
Jones, Walton
Just, Paul
Kelty, E.J.
Kem, Judy 1975
Kentucky Post Card Co.
Kentucky. Division of Publicity
Kentucky. Governor's Office
Kessinger, Jim
Kewanee Manufacturing Co.
Kidd, Vernon 1975
Kincaid, Clark 1972-1973
Kirkham, Wolfgang
Kirves, Tony 1983-1985
Kolarik, Kim 1981-1988
Koski, Jason
Krell, M.L.
Krull, Carol 1974-1975
Laird, A.W. 1972
Lawrence, Mike 
Lawson, Owen
LeMarr, Lynn 
Lenoir, Joel
Lewis, Clinton
Lindsey-Jaggers, Trish
Lineberger, Brady
Lions Club of Baton Rouge
Littell, H.B.
Loewen, Roger 1972-1973
Loomis, Rick 1989-1994
Louisville Courier-Journal
Lovett, Greg
Lowry, Steve
Luppino, Brad
Luster, Bill
Lyons, Andy
Lyons, Mark 1978-1980
Lyons, Mary
MacDonald, Arthur 1968
Magee, Jim
Martin's Studio
Martin, Jerry
Masters, John 1971-1973
Maupin, Joe 1973
Maupin, John
McFee Company
Megenity, Tresa
Melear, David 1996
Mershon, Brent
Middle Tennessee State University
Mills, Alan
Morehead State University
Morse, Mike 1973
Mounce, Bill 1972-1973
Murphy, D.X.
Musacchio, Rick
Neel, Phil
Nollau, Louis
Normal Heights
Orlando Lodge No. 1079
Ortmann, H.
Osler, Mark 1993
Page, Leslie
Page, Ron 1972-1973
Panella, Scott
Paolucci, Christina
Parson, Eric
Patton, Blaine
Photo Craft
Pickens, ?
Pickerell, Brian
Pillow, Robert 1980-1982
Piscotty, Marc
Planetary Photo
Poral Photo
Potter, Jerome Whitfield, 1851-1923
Powell, L.T.
Preston, Bill
Pride, Paul
Prins, Rudolph
Ramberg, Elin
Recreation Club (WKU)
Redd, Bernard
Redding, Art
Reggae Graphics
Reynolds, Les
Robards, Martin
Roberts & Johnson, Architects
Roberts, Lisa
Robinson, Jim
Robinson, Scott 1978-1979
Rodes, Robert
Roe, Bobby 1973-1984
Rogers Studio
Rogers, Beth
Rogers, Samuel (S.G.)
Rossell, Tina 
Roth, John
Rott, John 1980-1983
Royal Photo Company
Russell, John
Ryan Associated Architects
Ryan, Cook & Zuern Associates, Inc.
Salmon, Kelly
Sanborn Map Company
Sanders, William
Scherr, Wayne 1971-1973
Schmitt, Mort 1986
Schooley, Skip 1972-1973
Schuhmann, Paul 1969-1972
Schwager, Rob
Scott, Cheryl
Scott, K.
Seitz, Joerg
Sharp, Chris
Sherryl Lockett Studio
Sherwood, Linda
Shirley, Margaret
Shively, Don
Shuffitt, Gordon
Shults, Chuck
Sinclair, Harold 1977-1979
Skipper, Bob 1979-2005
Smart, Steve
Smith, P.C.
Smith, Selby
Smith, Veronda
Snider, James 1975-1977
Southern Normal Bulletin
Spalding, Tom
Spencer News Co.
State Journal Company
Stephenson, David 1989
Stewart, John
Stockman, ?
Strahm Music Club
Strode, Bill
Stuart, Robert 1976
Student Alumni Association (WKU)
Suiter, Gary 1978-1979
Sutherland, David 1972-1973
Svada Mirror of Art
T.C. Company
Tatum, Omar
Teachers College Heights
Temple, Al
Thomas, Ray 1984
Thompson, E. Kelly, 1909-1993
Thompson, L.D.
Thornton, Stephen
Tirpak, Brian
Trapasso, Michael
Triplett, William
Tucker, Mark 1979
U.S. Army Air Force
University of Louisville
Van Eman, Lanny
Van Houten, ?
Vinion, Kurt 
W.M. Cline Company
Ward, Ovada
Warren, Alan
Watkins, Darrell
Watson, Judy 1977-1979
Wayward Students Home Publishing Co.
Wedding, George 1972-1974
Western Alumnus
Western Newsletter
White, Robin 1984
Willfinger, Jennifer
Williams, Charles
Wilson, Emma
Wilson, Jamal
Wilson, Tammie
Wilson, Ted
Wint, Paul
Wm. H. Cobb Company
Wright, Henry
Wright, Jerry
Wright, Lynn 1978
Wright, W.R.
Xavier University
Yarbrough, H.M.
Young, J.L.
Young, Wellington 

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Eastern Kentucky University 

University of Kentucky  

WKU Aerial View

Cherry Hall

Chi Omega

Baseball, 1910



Ogden Seal

Photo Album

 Last Modified 2/15/24