Department of Psychology
PSY 490 - Research, Readings or Special Projects in Psychology
This course is also known as an Independent Study.
Course Description: Advanced students will conduct research and / or readings or projects concerning issues in psychology under the direction of faculty members. The course may be repeated; up to six hours can be counted toward the major.
Typical Responsibilities of the 490 student: Psy 490 projects involve more student ownership of the research project from start to finish. The student may be involved in planning, implementation and writing/presenting results.
In comparison, Psy 290projects are an introduction to research in psychology. Students typically work in a professor's research lab helping collect data and supporting other aspects of an existing project.
Credit Hours: Course may be taken for 1, 2, or 3 credit hours. Course credit is based on the the nature of the project and approval of the faculty project supervisor.
As a rough guideline, a person earning 1 hour of credit will work about 3-5 hours/week,for 2 hours of credit about 6 to 8 hours/week and for 3 hours of credit about 9 or more hours/week.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: PSY 100, junior standing, and permission of the faculty project supervisor.
Faculty Project Supervisor: It is the student's responsibility, through discussions with individual faculty, to identify a project supervisor. You are welcome to ask any psychology faculty member to assist, supervise, or direct you in developing a readings or independent research project.
Steps to Sign up for Psy 490
- Identify potential faculty members with whom you might want to work. Information is available at the Research Page.It is the student's responsibility, through discussions with individual faculty, to identify a project supervisor.
- Meet with the potential faculty member to determine if they have a placement for you on their research team. They will become your Faculty Supervisor for your project.
- Work with your Faculty Supervisor to complete the CEBS Independent Study Approval Request Form.
The Department of Psychology
Gary A. Ransdell Hall, Office 3012
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
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