Department of Psychology
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Bilotta, J., Risner, M.L., Davis, E.C., & Haggbloom, S.J. (2006). Assessing appetitive discrimination learning in zebrafish. Zebrafish, 2, 259-268.
Bink, M. L. (2007). Featured Studies Reader for Weiten's Psychology: Themes and Variations, seventh edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson.
Bink, M. L., & Beyerlein, M. M. (In Press). Innovating in Virtual Teams. Cognitive Technology.
Finstad, K., Bink, M.L., McDaniel, M.A., & Einstein, G.O. (in press). Breaks and task switches in prospective memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Livingstone, E.G., Derryberry, W.P., King, A., & Vendetti, M. (2006). Moral developmental consistency? Investigating the role of major. Ethics & Behavior, 16, 265-287.
Derryberry, W.P., Wilson, T., Snyder, H., Norman, A., & Barger, B. (in press). Moral judgment differences between gifted youth and college students. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education.
Derryberry, W.P., Snyder, H., Wilson, T., & Barger, B. (2006). Moral Judgment Differences
in Education and Liberal Arts Majors: Cause for Concern? Journal of College and Character, 7, (4).
Derryberry, W.P. (2006). Social judgments: Implicit and explicit processes [Review
of the book Social judgments: Implicit and explicit processes]. Journal of Moral Education, 35(4), 607-609.
Derryberry, W.P. (2006). Social motivation: Conscious and unconscious processes [Review
of the book Social motivation: Conscious and unconscious processes]. Journal of Moral Education, 35, 276-278.
Wann, D. L., & Grieve, F. G. (in press). Use of proactive pessimism as a coping strategy for sport fans: The importance of team identification. Contemporary Athletics.
Wann, D. L., Grieve, F. G., Zapalac, R. K., & Pease, D. G. (in press). Motivational profiles of sport fans of different sports. Sport Management Quarterly.
Grieve, F. G. (2007). A conceptual model of factors contributing to the development of muscle dysmorphia. Eating Disorders, 15, 63-80.
Grieve, F. G., & Bonneau-Kaya, C. (2007). The relationship of muscle building articles in men's magazines to weight loss articles in women's magazines. North American Journal of Psychology, 9, 97-102.
Grieve, F. G., Wann, D. L., Henson, C., & Ford, P. (2006). Healthy and unhealthy weight
gain and weight loss behaviors in college students. Journal of Sport Behavior, 29, 229-241.
Baird, A. L., & Grieve, F. G. (2006). Exposure to male models in advertisements leads
to a decrease in men's body image. North American Journal of Psychology, 8, 115-122.
King, S. D., Grieve, F. G., & McCarthy, M. A. (in press). Value judgments among collegiate
athletes participating in sports with different contact levels and nonathletes. International Sports Journal.
Kuhlenschmidt, S., Garn, M., Cook, S., & Cooke, S. (in press). Increasing instructional capacity through virtual learning. Miller, J. & Groccia, J., (Eds.), Enhancing productivity in higher education. Anker Publishing Co.
Garner, P., & Lemerise, E. A. (2007). Preschoolers' conceptions about peers and emotions: Associations with peer victimization and behavioral adjustment. Development & Psychopathology, 19, 57-71.
Lemerise, E. A., & Dodge, K. A. (in press). The development of anger and hostile interactions. M. Lewis, & J. Haviland-Jones (eds.) Handbook of Emotions, 3rd ed. New York: Guilford.
Lemerise, E. A., Fredstrom, B. K., Kelley, B. M., Bowersox, A. L., & Waford, R. N. (2006). Do provocateurs' emotion displays influence children's social goals and problem solving? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 34, 555-567.
McFarland, S. G. (in press). Religion and Authoritarianism. Wulff, D. M. (Ed.), Handbook of the Psychology of Religion. New York: Oxford University Press.
Carnahan, T. & McFarland, S. G. (2007). Revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment:
Could participant self-selection have led to the cruelty? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 603-614.
Madole, K.L. & Oakes, L.M. (in press). Mechanisms of developmental change in infants'
category formation. To appear in Rakison, D. and Oakes, L.M. (Eds.) Early category and concept development
Johnston, K.E., Madole, K.L., Bittinger, K. A., & Smith, A. (in press). Developmental changes in infants' and toddlers' attention to gender categories. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.
Mutter, S.A., Haggbloom, S.J., Plumlee, L.F., & Schirmer, Amy R. (2006). Aging, working memory, and discrimination learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59. 1466-1476.
Mutter, S.A., Strain, L. M., & Plumlee, L. F. (in press). The role of age and prior belief in contingency judgment. Memory & Cognition.
Evans, S., Daniel, T. C., Mikovch, A., Metze, L., & Norman, A. D. (in press). The use of technology in portfolio assessment of teacher education candidates. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.
Miner-Rubino, K., & Cortina, L. M. (in press). Beyond targets: Consequences of vicarious exposure to misogyny at work. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Seigel, M. L., & Miner-Rubino, K. (2007). Some preliminary statistical, qualitative, and anecdotal findings of an empirical study of collegiality among law professors. Widener Law Review, XIII, 1-31.
Miner-Rubino, K. & Jayarante, T. (2006). Feminist survey research. In S. N. Hesse-Biber and P. L. Leavy (Eds.), The practice of feminist research: A primer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Miner-Rubino, K., Jayarante, T., & Konik, J. (2006). Using survey research as a quantitative method for feminist social change. In S. N. Hesse-Biber (Ed.), The handbook of feminist research: Theory and praxis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Norman, J. F., Norman, H. F., Pattison, K., Taylor, M. J., and Goforth, K. E. (in press). Aging and the depth of binocular rivalry suppression. Psychology and Aging.
Norman, J. F., Wiesemann, E. Y., Norman, H. F., Taylor, M. J., and Craft, W. D. (in press). The visual discrimination of bending. Perception.
Norman, J.F., Crabtree, C.E., Hermann, M., Thompson, S.R., Shular, C.F., and Clayton, A.M. (2006). Aging and the perception of 3-dimensional shape from dynamic patterns of binocular disparity. Perception and Psychophysics, 68, 94-101.
Norman, J. F., and Wiesemann, E. Y. (2007). Aging and the perception of local surface orientation from optical patterns of shading and specular highlights. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 23-31.
Norman, J. F., Crabtree, C. E., Norman, H. F., Moncrief, B. K., Herrmann, M., and Kapley, N. (2006). Aging and the visual, haptic, and cross-modal perception of natural object shape. Perception, 35, 1383-1395.
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., Norman, H. F., Clayton, A. M., and McBride, T. R. (2006). Visual discrimination of local surface structure: Slant, tilt, and curvedness. Vision Research, 46, 1057-1069.
Paquin, A. R., Roch, S. G., & Sanchez-Ku, M. L. (in press) An investigation of cross-cultural differences in the effective implementation of productivity interventions: The example of ProMES. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
James, S.J., O'Phelan, M.H., Nims, D.O., & Randolph, P.L. (in press). A comparison of responses of gay men and lesbians to norm group responses on the Self-directed Search and the Career Occupational Preference System. Kentucky Counseling Association Journal, 21.
Rinn, A. N., & Wininger, S. R. (in press). Sports participation among academically gifted adolescents: Relationship to the multidimensional self-concept. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.
Gross, C. M., Rinn, A. N., & Jamieson, K. M. (in press). The relationship between gifted adolescents' overexcitabilities and self-concepts: An analysis of gender and grade level. Roeper Review.
Rinn, A. N., & Cunningham, L. G. (in press). Using self-concept instruments with high ability college students: Reliability and validity evidence.Gifted Child Quarterly.
Cunningham, L. G., & Rinn, A. N. (in press). The role of gender and previous participation in a summer program on gifted adolescents' self-concepts over time. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.
Rinn, A. N. (in press). Pre-college experiences and characteristics of gifted students. In L. Clark & J. Zubizaretta (Eds.), Teaching and learning in honors (2nd ed.). National Collegiate Honors Council. [Invited submission]
Rinn, A. N. (in press). College programming for gifted students: Honors and early entrance programs. In J. A. Plucker & C. Callahan (Eds.), What research says about…: An encyclopedia on research in gifted education. Prufrock Press. [Invited submission]
Nelson, J. M., Rinn, A. N., & Hartnett, D. N. (2006). The possibility of misdiagnosis of giftedness and ADHD still exists: A response to Mika. Roeper Review, 28(4), 243-248. [Invited submission]
Rinn, A. N. (in press). Effects of programmatic selectivity on the academic achievement, academic self-concepts, and aspirations of gifted college students. Gifted Child Quarterly.
Rinn, A. N. (2006). Major forerunners to honors education at the collegiate level. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 7(2), 63-81.
Rinn, A. N. (in press). Pre-college experiences and characteristics of gifted students. In L. Clark & J. Zubizaretta (Eds.), Teaching and learning in honors (2nd ed.). National Collegiate Honors Council. [Invited submission]
Rinn, A. N. (2006). Effects of a summer program on the social self-concepts of gifted adolescents. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17(2), 65-75. [Invited submission]
Vance, D.E., Roenker, D.L., Cissell, G.M., Edwards, J.D., Wadley, V.G., & Ball, K.K. (in press). Predictors of mobility in a field study of older drivers from the state of Maryland. Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Vance, D.E., Ball, K.K., Roenker, D.L., Wadley, V.G., Edwards, J.D., & Cissell, G.M. (2006). Structural equation modeling of falls patterns among older drivers from the state of Maryland. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 14(3), 254-269.
Clay, O. J., Wadley, V. G., Edwards, J., Roth, D. L., Roenker, D., & Ball, K. K. (in press). The Useful Field of View as a predictor of driving performance in older adults: A cumulative meta-analysis. Optometry & Vision Science.
Shoenfelt, E. L. & Huddleston, M. R. (2006). The Truancy Court Diversion Program of the Kentucky Family Court System Warren Circuit Court Division III, Bowling Green, Kentucky: An evaluation of impact on attendance and academic performance. Family Court Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 44, 673-685.
Wininger, S. R. (2007). Measuring marbles: Demonstrating the basic tenets of measurement theory. Teaching Statistics, 29, 57-59.
Wininger, S. R., & Kuhlenschmidt, S. (in press). Classroom Examination Practices in a Post Secondary Setting. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching.
Dyrlund, A. K., & Wininger, S. R. (in press). The effects of music preference and exercise intensity on affective variables. Journal of Music Therapy.
Wininger, S. R. (in press). Self-determination theory and exercise behavior: An examination of the psychometric properties of the Exercise Motivation Scale. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
Dyrlund, A. K., & Wininger, S. R. (in press). An Evaluation of Barrier Efficacy and Cognitive Evaluation Theory as Predictors of Exercise Attendance. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research.
Wininger, S. R. (2007). Improvement of affect following exercise: Methodological artifact or real finding? Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 20, 1-10.
The Department of Psychology
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