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Big Red Backpack

Big Red Backpack

The Big Red Backpack program is the title of WKU’s partnership with Barnes & Noble College for their First Day® Complete initiative. Big Red Backpack is a course materials delivery program that lowers the cost of course materials and ensures students have their required course materials on the first day of class. The program gives you access to all your course materials. 

  • Receive all your course materials before the first day of class.
  • Save 35-50% on the cost of course materials each term.
  • Benefit from a highly personalized concierge service.


“Course materials” covers required instructional content, such as traditional textbooks and lab manuals, and access codes to digital content or digital textbooks. The program does not cover consumable supplies that cannot be returned and reused, such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering or nursing kits, art supplies or similar items.


Faculty contribute to the success of the program by submitting their course material selections to the WKU Store by the adoption deadline on April 15 for Fall, October 15 for Winter and Spring, and March 1 for Summer. 


Frequently Asked Questions from Students

Frequently Asked Questions from Faculty





Register for classes
Register for Classes

Upon registering for courses, students will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you've successfully selected your courses, the WKU Store will start preparing your order. 

Register for Classes Video

verify your order

Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an email to verify your order and select your fulfillment preference.  Verify your order. If you would like to opt out of the Big Red Backpack program this semester, watch the video titled WKU Big Red Backpack - Should I stay in or opt out?

Verify Your Order Video

"Should I stay in or opt out?" Video

Receive your textbooks
Receive Your Textbooks

An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Blackboard. 





What is the Big Red Backpack program?

The Big Red Backpack program is the title of WKU’s partnership with Barnes & Noble College for their First Day® Complete initiative. Big Red Backpack is a course materials delivery program that lowers the cost of course materials and ensures students have their required course materials on the first day of class.

“Course materials” covers required instructional content, such as traditional textbooks and lab manuals, and access codes to digital content or digital textbooks. The program does not cover consumable supplies that cannot be returned and reused, such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering or nursing kits, art supplies or similar items.

How does the Big Red Backpack work?

  • Register for your classes.  You will automatically be enrolled in the Big Red Backpack program.
  • One month before classes start, the WKU Store will send you an email welcoming you to the Big Red Backpack program.  This e-mail will contain instructions on how to get your books. Verify your order.
  • Following those instructions, you will confirm your course materials list and select your delivery method.  This will place your order with the WKU Store.
  • After the WKU Store has fulfilled your order, they will notify you by e-mail.  This e-mail will contain any further details needed, including pick-up or delivery information.  
  • Any digital materials you have will be delivered for your course(s) within Blackboard.

Does this program include both undergraduate and graduate students?

Yes. All undergraduate and graduate students, except dual credit students and military veterans in the VR&E Chapter 31 program, are automatically included in the program.

How do I determine if remaining in the Big Red Backpack program is the best option for me this semester? Can I opt out?

Students have the opportunity each semester to choose whether to stay in BRB or opt out; however, it is strongly advised that students accurately price compare before making a decision.  Please view the "Should I stay in or opt out?" video before taking action

Since the Big Red Backpack program includes all required digital materials, please note that if you opt out of the program you will need to purchase access at the full retail price in order to maintain access.




How do I enroll in the program?

All students, except for dual credit students and students whose books are paid for by the VA, will be enrolled in the program; however, students must take action each semester to submit their order or to opt out of the program.

What is the cost? 

For the Big Red Backpack program, $24 per credit hour will be applied to your total bill. Big Red Backpack fees will be applied to your student account when you register for your classes. The per credit hour Big Red Backpack charge is non-refundable after the 100% refund period. More information regarding the refund periods can be found here and https://www.wku.edu/billing/.

How much money can I expect to save with the Big Red Backpack program?

With this program, students will save on average between 35-50% on the cost of required course materials throughout their academic career.


Can I opt-out of the program?

Students have the option to opt-out of this program. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. View the opt-out form. The opt out form will be open approximately 30 days before the first day of class each semester. You can opt out or opt back in up until the opt out deadline each semester.

What is the deadline to opt-out?

The opt out form opens approximately 30 days before the first day of class each semester. You can opt out or opt back in up until the opt out deadline each semester.


Can I participate for some of my classes and opt-out for other classes?

No. Opting out of the Big Red Backpack program applies to all courses each semester.

How do I change my opt-out status?

To change your status and opt into the Big Red Backpack program, students will need to switch their status on the Opt Out form.

What if I drop a class?

If you drop a class, you will need to return any print materials you received for the dropped class to the WKU Store. If appropriate, a credit will be issued to your student account.

Will I have to take action on Big Red Backpack every semester?

Eligible students are enrolled in the Big Red Backpack program every semester; however, students must submit an order with their preferred delivery option each semester. This creates the order for Barnes & Noble so that it can be fulfilled. In addition, any student choosing to opt out of the program will have to do so each semester.

If I feel that I have an extenuating circumstance that has prohibited me from opting out of Big Red Backpack prior to the opt-out deadline, can I submit an appeal for a refund?

There is a Big Red Backpack Appeals Committee that will review all appeal submissions. Note that not reviewing your email prior to the opt-out deadline is not a valid condition for filing an appeal. For more information regarding this process please contact (270) 745-2683 or submit your request to appeal.bigredbackpack@wku.edu





What is included in the program? Is it both print and digital books?

The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students. The book format is selected by faculty during the course scheduling process. Their chosen format will be delivered to students.

What is excluded from the program?

The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits, nursing kits, art supplies or similar items.

Will I get my materials in a backpack?

No. Through the Big Red Backpack program, each student’s textbooks and materials will be available for pick up in a box prior to the start of classes.

Will I get to keep my books and materials?

Big Red Backpack is a textbook rental program. Textbooks will be on loan for use throughout the semester. You must return your textbooks and materials to the WKU Store at the end of the semester. The program does provide students with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

What if something is wrong in my box? How do I get the correct materials?

Please check your textbooks and materials when you pick them up or when they are delivered to you. If something is incorrect in your box, please visit the WKU Store at Downing Student Union on main campus, or contact the WKU Store at sm8358@bncollege.com or by phone at (800) 444-5155 or (270) 745-2467.

I live in another city, how can I participate?

Your box will be shipped to you. You will also get a return shipping label to cover shipping costs when it is time to send back your books at the end of the semester.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Please contact the WKU Store at sm8358@bncollege.com or by phone at (270) 745-2467 for more information.

Can I mark or highlight in my books?

Yes. You can mark or highlight in the textbooks on loan from the Big Red Backpack program.

Will I receive both “required” and "recommended" textbooks listed on my syllabus?

You will only receive the textbooks that faculty REQUIRE for your course.  Optional or recommended materials are not included in the Big Red Backpack program, but they may be added to checkout separately or purchased in person at The WKU Store.

I'm in the Military and need my order shipped to my APO address overseas. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible. If you are not able to submit your order online with your APO address, please email SM8358@bncollege.com for assistance. 



How can faculty contribute to the success of the program?

Faculty contribute to the success of the program by submitting their course material selections to the bookstore by the adoption deadline at Adoption & Insights - Login (bncollege.com).

Faculty are strongly encouraged to add the wku.edu/bigredbackpack link to their syllabus in the area that has the required course materials listed.

Here are the deadlines for each semester:

  • April 15 for Fall 
  • October 15 for Winter and Spring
  • March 1 for Summer

What is included in the program?

The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.

What is excluded from the program?

The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits, nursing kits, art supplies or similar items. 

Optional or recommended materials are not included in the Big Red Backpack program; however, they may be added to checkout separately or purchased in person at The WKU Store.

How do students purchase if they decide not to be in the program?

Eligible students who are approved as opted-out of the program will be responsible for purchasing their course materials.

How does the WKU Store ensure that students are getting their required course materials?

One month before classes start, students will receive an email instructing them to select their fulfillment preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly). An email notification will be sent when the students order is ready for pickup or when it ships, and digital materials will be delivered for course(s) within the Blackboard.

Will faculty have to change their course materials currently being used?

No, there are no restrictions in the course materials you select for your course. All course materials, from any publisher, in your preferred format are included in the program.

Note that out-of-print and old editions may have to be updated to newer editions.

Why not work directly with publishers?

Publishers do not have the ability to provide all the different formats of content that faculty request at the lowest price possible.

Publishers are not able to allow students to use their financial aid and/or scholarships.  Publishers are committed to partnering with The WKU Store to help ensure the success of BRB.

How can we be sure that this will lower book costs for our students?

The WKU Store, as part of Barnes & Noble College, is committed to lowering the costs of course material to our students, and with their integrated supply chain and economies of scale, the WKU's First Day Complete program, Big Red Backpack, brings a new innovative way to provide the most affordable solution for our students.

Will students be able to keep their course materials once they have completed the course?

Big Red Backpack is a rental program; however, students have the option to buyout their rentals at a reduced rate before the rental return due date.

What happens if a faculty member changes their course material adoption?

If a faculty member changes their course material adoption, faculty should notify the WKU Store of the new adoption and the bookstore will ensure that students receive the corrected course materials.

What if my teaching assignment changes (e.g., I was scheduled to teach one course, but later assigned to another)?

The bookstore is committed to helping as they normally do in those situations. We will just work to update the textbook adoption platform with the new materials.

Changes to the schedule on Topnet are typically updated within 24 hours at which time faculty can log in to the adoption portal to make changes.

What happens if a student drops/adds a course?

When a student adds/drops a course, students are provided instructions for returning their course materials, and provided with course material delivery options for any new courses that have been added.

Are faculty limited to the Open Education Resource options BNC has partnerships with?

No. Faculty can find low-cost or no-cost affordability solutions, recommended in line with relevant courses if there are no OER campus restrictions with course materials for their course.

If I adopt Open Education Resources or don’t require a textbook, do my students still have to pay the fee?

Yes. Students will pay for the total number of credits taken a semester, not by the number of courses utilizing the program.

How do we ensure course materials in the Big Red Backpack program are accessible to students with accommodations?

The bookstore can accommodate students with accessibility needs.

Can students opt out of just my course? 

No. There is no course-by-course opt-out, opting out means opting out for all courses that semester.

Each student will need to consider the convenience and cost of the program compared to opting out and then make the best decision for their situation.  Basing that decision solely on one course will not accurately account for their full course load requirements and costs.



 Last Modified 2/10/25