Hazardous Waste Management Quiz
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Please choose (T)rue or (F)alse by clicking on the correct box.
1. T F Hazardous waste may be listed or characteristic.
2. T F There are four lists published by the EPA for making waste determinations.
3. T F Ignitibility is NOT a characteristic of hazardous waste.
4. T F EPA regulations allow generators to accumulate up to 55 gallons of acutely hazardous waste.
5. T F The satellite collection container for your laboratory may be located down the hallway in a storage closet.
6. T F Hazardous waste containers must be labeled with the words Hazardous Waste, the proper chemical name of the containers contents, and the date the material was first added to the container.
7. T F Chemical formulas may be used on the container label instead of the proper chemical name.
8. T F Satellite accumulation containers may remain open until they are completely filled.
9. T F Aluminum foil and a rubber band are a proper lid for a satellite container.

10. T F Immediately after filling a container, an on-line pickup request should be submitted to EH&S.

 Last Modified 2/8/18