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Mission and Governance

Through coursework, experience abroad, and other cultural encounters, the Modern Languages Department cultivates communicative skills and cultural awareness that prepare students at Western Kentucky University to be more knowledgeable and sensitive citizens of the local, regional, and global communities. The department’s purpose is to deliver high quality language instruction based on nationally-recognized standards, and to contribute actively to cross-disciplinary international initiatives on campus. Our programs are designed to graduate majors and minors whose language skills provide them with enhanced opportunities for careers at the regional, national, and international levels and/or preparation for advanced study in language, literature, and culture.

The Department of Modern Languages operates on the basis of collegial decision-making. The faculty of the department (defined as full-time instructors, tenure-track, and tenured professors) reserves for itself a voice in all matters not specifically designated in written University policy as being the prerogative of the Department Head. Matters subject to faculty committee action are discretionary budget expenditures (including faculty travel funds), curriculum, class scheduling and size, awards to students, the selection of outside lecturers, the recommendation of new faculty, and the long-term goals and mission of the department. Neither this list nor the one that follows below is intended to be exhaustive. The Department Head will take the initiative to consult with the faculty of the department on all matters of consequence to the department.

To carry out departmental governance and decision-making, the faculty has established the following standing committee. These committees will report to the department faculty on a regular basis. The revolving committee memberships will be determined in a department meeting early in the fall semester of each academic year.

  • THE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE will consider proposals for changes in ML curricula and make recommendations on them to Potter College Curriculum Committee. The committee will be composed of all ML faculty and be chaired by the Department Head.
  • THE TENURE, PROMOTION, AND CONTINUANCE COMMITTEES will advise the Head in matters regarding promotion and continuance in conformity with the Faculty Handbook and tenure, promotion, and continuance statements of the department, college, and university.
  • THE EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE will advise the Department Head in all matters regarding equipment and software for teaching and faculty support. The committee, chaired by the department’s IT Coordinator, will be determined annually as deemed necessary.
  • THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE will advise the Department Head in matters concerning support for professional development, such as travel to professional conferences and workshops. The committee will consist of three department members and the Department Head. The term of membership is two academic years.
  • THE ARABIC COMMITTEE will determine, in consultation with the Department Head, course offerings, scheduling, class size, staffing; proficiency and exit exams; and other curricular matters for Arabic; as well as such extracurricular matters as the Arabic Honor Society, awards to Arabic majors and minors. The committee will be composed of Arabic faculty members. Part-time Arabic faculty will be invited to committee meetings when appropriate.
  • THE CHINESE COMMITTEE will determine, in consultation with the Department Head, course offerings, scheduling, class size, staffing; proficiency and exit exams; and other curricular matters for Chinese; as well as such extracurricular matters as the Chinese Honor Society, awards to Chinese majors and minors. The committee will be composed of Chinese faculty members. Part-time Chinese faculty will be invited to committee meetings when appropriate.
  • THE FRENCH COMMITTEE will determine, in consultation with the Department Head, course offerings, scheduling, class size, staffing; proficiency and exit exams; and other curricular matters for French; as well as such extracurricular matters as the French Honor Society, awards to French majors and minors. The committee will be composed of French faculty members. Part-time French faculty will be invited to committee meetings when appropriate.
  • THE GERMAN COMMITTEE will determine, in consultation with the Department Head, course offerings, scheduling, class size, staffing; proficiency and exit exams; and other curricular matters for German; as well as such extracurricular matters as the German Honor Society, awards to German majors and minors. The committee will be composed of German faculty members. Part-time German faculty will be invited to committee meetings when appropriate.
  • THE SPANISH COMMITTEE will determine, in consultation with the Department Head, course offerings, scheduling, class size, staffing; proficiency and exit exams; and other curricular matters for Spanish; as well as such extracurricular matters as the Spanish Honor Society, awards to Spanish majors and minors. The committee will be composed of Spanish faculty members. Part-time Spanish faculty will be invited to committee meetings when appropriate.

Department of Modern Languages Mission and Governance (pdf)
As approved on August 21, 2014




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 Last Modified 5/23/24