Learning goals
The learning goals of the college are agreed upon by the faculty, and assessed by the Assurance of Learning Committee, with input and assistance from the faculty and staff of the Gordon Ford College of Business.
Learning Goals for the BBA from the Gordon Ford College of Business
Goal 1: Communication
The ability to communicate effectively in written and oral forms.
Goal 2: Legal and Ethical Awareness
An awareness of legal and ethical issues in business and society.
Goal 3 Critical and Strategic Thinking
Critical thinking skills through strategic problem-solving using integrated business
Goal 4: Global Awareness
Our students will be able to explain the increasingly integrated world economy and
the forces behind this integration.
Goal 5: Discipline Knowledge
A basic knowledge of the business disciplines and areas.
Learning Goals for the MBA from the Gordon Ford College of Business
Goal 1. Discipline Knowledge
Our students will demonstrate understanding of knowledge in relevant business disciplines.
Goal 2. Qualitative Reasoning
Our students will demonstrate the skill of integrating discipline knowledge to identify,
analyze, and offer solutions to business problems and situations.
Goal 3. Quantitative Reasoning
Our students will be able to apply quantitative modeling and data analysis techniques
that can solve real world business problems and employ tools and technologies to effectively
communicate this analysis.
Goal 4. Teamwork/Communication
Our students will have the communication, collaboration, and team skills necessary
to successfully complete a project.
Additional Professional MBA (PMBA) Learning Goal
Global Awareness
Professional MBA students will demonstrate an understanding of business and intercultural similarities and differences between the US and other nations which impact business.