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Safety & Risk Management

Beyond OSHA, there are many risk management topics that impact operations. Drug & alcohol issues, workplace violence, aggression, harassment and stress can all have negative effects on the workplace. WKU experts can provide information on mitigating the effects and addressing these issues in constructive and positive ways. 


4 hour course

Some sobering statistics on drug abuse in the workplace:

  • 38 percent to 50 percent of all Workers Compensation claims are related to substance abuse in the workplace.
  • Substance abusers file three to five times as many Workers Compensation claims as other employees.
  • Substance abusers incur 300 percent higher medical costs than non-abusers.
  • Substance abusers are 2.5 times more likely to be absent eight or more days a year.

In this course, you will explore signs of drug/alcohol abuse in co-workers and the steps to take to address it. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognizing illegal drugs/legal drugs (alcohol included) used in an illegal manner
  • When to involve police/authorities
  • Examine the strengths and weaknesses of drug testing in the workplace

4 hour course

We’ve all heard the phrase “an accident waiting to happen.” Unfortunately, that statement is more accurate than you would think. The cause of most workplace accidents is failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as expected. It is important to keep in mind that workplace accidents do not happen without cause, and identifying, isolating, and controlling these causes is the key to accident prevention. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn how to look for unsafe work locations and practices
  • Understand how to implement corrective activities
  • Identify how to properly train employees.

4 hour course

Each time an incident of workplace violence occurs around the country, administrators start thinking, "What if that occurred at our facility?" What does your company’s violence policy look like? Workplace violence involves much more than incidents that make the "front page." Workplace violence includes disruptive behavior such as verbal abuse. It may also involve aggressive/threatening behavior or physical assault. This course will help you to spot and address behaviors before they become problematic.  

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore conflict resolution techniques/dealing with disruptive employees
  • Examine elements of a comprehensive workplace violence policy
  • Understand post–incident response needs

4 hour course

A recent article featured on WebMD’s Stress Management Health Center offered the following statistics on stress:

  • 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
  • 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

With stress having such a harmful impact on so many of our lives, it is worth exploring ways to lessen the amount of stress we deal with on a daily basis. You won’t regret taking this beneficial course! The Stress Strategies Follow-Up course is also available on request. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define stress and its effects on the body
  • Understand the relationship between personal needs and work needs
  • Incorporate characteristics of stress resistance/relaxation into daily life

4 hour course

A recent poll by the Huffington Post found that one in five women said they'd been harassed by a boss, and one in four said they had been harassed by another coworker. Due to the prevalence of such circumstances, it is vital that a clear understanding of what “is” and what “isn’t” harassment be established—not only out of respect for others but also to protect one’s organization and one’s self from litigation. In this training session, you will differentiate among appropriate and inappropriate communication behaviors.  

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the difference between friendliness and sexual harassment
  • Explore the hazards and possible consequences of sexual harassment
  • How to avoid harassing others while working comfortably with them

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 Last Modified 12/5/21