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Graduate Courses

GIS Graduate Course Descriptions (WKU Graduate Catalog)

GEOS 515 
Remote Sensing Fundamentals 

4 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GISC 317 with a grade of "C" or better or Approval
Lecture and Lab
Basic principles of remote sensing, current systems in use around the world and applications of data for research and policy.  The primary focus of this course will be developing a research project in consultationwith the professor that allows a student to examine remote sensing techniques in an area of interest (course fee).

GEOS 517 Advanced Spatial Databases
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GISC 417 or GISC 575 and GISC 443 (or GEOS 523); or Approval
Lecture and Lab
An introduction to the advanced concepts and principles of spatial databases (course fee).

GEOS 520 Geoscience Statistical Methods
4 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GEOG 391 or equivalent, and GISC 317 with a grade of "C" or better; or Approval
Lecture and Lab
This course introduces a variety of spatial quantitative methods commonly used in the fields of geoscience, including spatial point pattern analysis, spatial autocorrelative analysis, geographic weighted regression, spatial interpolation, multivariate statistics, etc. Students will gain insights into the overall framework of spatial analysis and develop an appreciation of quantitative analysis in geoscience. Students are expected to master a variety of these methods via completing a number of lab exercises and projects using GIS and statistical software (course fee).

GEOS 523 Geoprocessing and GIS Applications
4 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: GISC 317 with a grade of "C" or better or Approval
Lecture and Lab
This GIS specialty course explores some selected issues related to urban applications of GIS. Students are expected to develop analytical capabilities, including data collection, data analysis, and mapping, by using a number of GIS techniques for transportation, urban management, locational analysis and business geographics (course fee).

GEOS 575 GIS Modeling & Analysis 
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GISC 317 with a grade of "C" or better or Approval
Lecture and Lab
This course develops expertise with a broad range of spatial analysis and modeling functions using GIS. A problem-oriented approach stresses the utility of GIS analysis to fields such as agriculture, biology, business, engineering, geology, natural resource management and uban planning. The objectives of this course are: (1) to develop familiarity with digital spatial data sources, types, and access issues; (2) to develop working knowledge of spatial analysis functions supported by a GIS; (3) to develop competency with cartographic modeling using desktop GIS software; and (4) to develop experience with production and presentation of a GIS project (course fee).

GEOS 576 GIS Programming
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GISC 317 with a grade of "C" or better; or Approval
Lecture and Lab
Planning and implementing GIS within an organization. Designing and developing GIS applications to support spatial decision making. The objectives of this course are: (1) to develop familiarity with the theory and design of decision support systems; (2) to develop understanding of cognitive psychology and models underlying decision support systems; (3) to develop competency with programming skills for writting GIS applications; and (4) to develop understanding of issues and steps involved in implementing and managing a GIS (course fee).

GEOS 577 Special Topics in GIS
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GISC 417 or GEOS 575 with a grade of "C" or better or Approval
Applications of GIS technologies for applied projects in urban & regional planning, geology, environmental modeling, transportation, locational analysis, public health, and Internet GIS (course fee).

GEOS 590 Experiemental GIS Design 
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Directed Study Course
This course addresses experimental design for GIS and data modeling within an organization.  Students enrolling in this course must have completed the 14-hour GIS certificate and must have a written project proposal approved by the GIS faculty before enrolling in this course.  Course addresses GIS applications to support spatial decision making processes using GIS software.

GEOS 595 Supervised GIS Practicum
3 Credit Hours, Prerequisite: Graduate Standing, GEOS 500, GEOS 502, GEOS 520 and permission of Department Head.
This course offers supervised practicum experience in a cooperative government or private agency or in a business utilizing GIS.

 Last Modified 1/15/19