Graduate Program
Graduate Degree Programs
Master of Science in Environmental and Occupational Health Science
This graduate program in Environmental and Occupational Health Science is designed to provide graduate education for careers focused on the protection of human health and prevention of health hazards in occupational and natural environments. A key component of the program is to understand how exposure to environmental and occupational hazards occurs and discovering ways to reduce and control the risk of exposure. This program is designed for working professionals and students desiring opportunities with industry, consulting firms, government agencies, and other environmental and occupational health science professions. This program requires 36 graduate credit hours.
Master of Public Health
The Master of Public Health (MPH) is a professional practice degree that prepares students for a wide range of health-related professions. The 42 credit-hour program, accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), is offered on WKU’s campus and in a fully online format.
Beyond the required core courses, MPH students work in partnership with their advisor to select electives and tailor a program that meets their professional and academic goals related to public health. The MPH program is competency-based and focuses on applied and integrative learning.
Master of Health Administration
The Department of Public Health offers a Master's program in Health Administration. This program prepares the student for management and administrative positions in various types of health care facilities, organizations, and agencies such as hospitals, nursing homes, group medical practices, health maintenance organizations, public health agencies and clinics. This program will also prepare individuals to work in medical sales companies, health planning agencies, the health insurance sector and other related health organizations.
Executive Master of Health Administration
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