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Environmental Health and Safety Graduate Certificate Program


Admission Requirements

Students applying to the program must have a baccalaureate degree in a related field or a baccalaureate degree and related experience in environmental health science and approval by the program director. The certificate is 15 credit hours.

Certificate Requirements : 15 Hours

Required Courses: 9 hours

    EOHS 577 Environmental Toxicology

    PH 584 Principles of Environmental Health

    EOHS 580  Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

Electives: 6 hours

  EOHS 510 Watershed Management and Science

  EOHS 550 Principles of Occupational Safety and Health

  EOHS 560 Environmental Management and Risk  Assessment

  EOHS 571 Air Quality Management

  EOHS 572 Envronmental and Occupational Epidemiology

  EOHS 595 Public Heath Management of Disasters

   * Other elective courses may be chosen with advisor approval


For more information, contact:

Dr. Edrisa Sanyang

Assistant Professor
Academic Complex 236E
Phone: (270) 745-3500


For more information about the cost of the program, average time to complete the program, and other important information, please visit this website.



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 Last Modified 4/12/22