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Graduate Studies - Future Students

 Graduate Studies seeks to connect interested prospective students with engaged faculty in order to facilitate student success.  Please use this page as a resource when considering WKU Graduate Studies!

WKU offers over 100 graduate programs, including masters, specialist and doctoral degree programs, as well as certificates, certifications, ranks, and endorsements.
  • Before applying please familiarize yourself with the admission requirements for the graduate program of your choice.
  • If you are applying to a highly competitive program please consider contacting the specific department to discuss your intent to apply before beginning your application.
  • To apply, access the online admission application.
  • You can find directions for applying as a degree seeking student, or as a non-degree seeking student.
  • After completing the application you will receive an email from Graduate Admissions with details about your application, how to check its status, and a request for any further admission materials required (most material can be uploaded directly to Graduate Admissions).
  • Once all of the materials required by your selected program are submitted to graduate admissions, your application will be forwarded to the appropriate academic department for review.  The length of time for an admission decision varies, but please allow for at least two weeks.
  • The decision to admit an applicant to a program of study is the shared responsibility of an academic department and/or academic college.
  • Applicants who have questions regarding a denial of admission may appeal the decision.
Admission requirements are different depending on degree type and status.
Admission policy information for prospective students.

Occasionally WKU academic programs will provide application fee waiver codes to applicants. These codes will serve as payment for the application fee at the conclusion of the online application process and can only be used once.   Applicants should select "Use a Fee Waiver Code" when asked for payment and type the code into the space provided. Fee Waiver Codes are case sensitive.

Graduate Studies provides application fee waiver codes to the United States military personnel: Active Duty, Veterans, Spouses, and Dependents. Please contact Graduate Studies (graduate.school@wku.edu or 270-745-2446) to request a fee waiver code.

Financial resources are available to help with the cost of earning a graduate degree.

Tuition and fee information is available from the Office of Student Billing and Account Services.
Campus housing is an option for graduate students.
Graduate Studies participates in many student recruitment events each semester.  Please come see us!
We encourage you to come visit campus and meet with program directors. Directions to campus are available, as well as various options for parking.

Graduate Studies can only withdraw graduate applications for admission.  If you are currently enrolled in WKU courses, you must contact the Registrar's office at 270-745-3351 or registrar@wku.edu.

To withdraw an admission application, please use this form.  Your request will be acknowledged when the application is withdrawn.


 Last Modified 9/13/24