WKU Beef Unit
The WKU Beef Unit exposes students, alumni, and the surrounding community to real-world, practical beef operations. Students can practice the application of principles learned in the classroom and get hands-on experience with cattle. Our beef unit consists of 48 registered Angus cows and 36 Angus crosses divided into spring-calving and fall-calving. This allows us to have animals available for student learning throughout the academic year. Through laboratory classes, students perform vaccinating, tagging, castrating, and other procedures for the entire herd. These experiences help students understand the care and management of livestock.
The beef herd is strictly grass- and hay-fed. Forage is grown and harvested on-site to feed during cold winter, and mineral tubs are offered throughout the year. This consistency in the diet helps our herd maintain health.
The best heifer calves are kept as replacements for the herd. Bull calves and steers are sold at local markets to help offset some of the costs associated with hay harvest and student labor.