Biology - Dental School General Facts and Figures
There are 59 Dental Schools in the United States and Puerto Rico. For the entering class of 2009, there were 13,025 applicants for 5,100 spots in dental school or a approximately 2.55 applicants per opening. Applicants to dental schools have increased over 50% since 2001. If you are a Kentucky resident, you should consider yourself fortunate. In the State of Kentucky, there are two publicly financed dental schools, one at the University of Louisville and the other at the University of Kentucky. Combined, the two colleges have 142 students (2009) in their first year classes and Kentucky residents make up approximately 2/3 of the first year classes (46/85 at U-L, 41/57 at U-K). Note: For fall 2010, UL will increase their class size to 120 students (44 in-state, 76 out-of- state). In 2009, roughly 185 Kentucky residents applied to U-L and U-K and together 87 were accepted. Assuming that most of the same students applied to both schools, the overall acceptance rate was around 47%. Acceptance rates for Kentucky residents was the 3rd highest in the country!
If you are a resident of Tennessee, there is one publicly financed dental school at the University of Tennessee (Memphis). In 2009, the University of Tennessee had a first year class of 80 students, 51 were Tennessee residents (64%). In addition, there is also a private Dental School in Tennessee at Meharry Dental College in Nashville.
For Indiana residents, there is a single Dental School at Indiana University (Indianapolis) with a first year class of 101, 73 of which are from Indiana.
Undergraduate majors for Dental School Enrollees (2009):
54.1% Biology
16.7% Chemistry/Physics
9.7% Social Science
Information about the Dental Schools to which WKU students most often apply:
Yes |
80 |
* Data are from the American Association of Dental Schools (2009 entering class)
^ First and second year students are also assessed $10-13K for fees, instruments,
books, etc.
Click Here to Visit the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Web Site