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Steve Huskey, Ph.D. Florida Tech
Steve Huskey, Ph.D. Florida Tech
- Professor

BIOL 122 Introductory Biology

BIOL 377 Animal Form and Function

BIOL 477 Marine Biology

BIOL 527 Advanced Animal Form and Function

BIOL 577 Advanced Marine Biology




Functional Morphology, Skeletal Design and Performance, Predator/Prey Interactions, and Animal Behavior

My research examines the link between functional design and ecological utility in vertebrates. I use examinations of dissected carcasses, fully articulated skeletons, and animal behavior to better understand how evolution has shaped organismal design and performance. In my laboratory, we employ EMG's, high-speed video cameras, and pressure transducers to better understand the feeding mechanisms of fishes. In the field, we use SCUBA, rebreathers, portable high-speed video systems, and still-cameras to tease out the intricacies of specialized feeding performance by everything from pelagic species to reef species. My students and I have also worked on the biomechanics of mammal locomotion, tooth development and phenotypic plasticity in fishes, and communication in lizards. We use biomechanics, gross dissection, dermestid beetles, and behavioral observations to draw conclusions about what makes predators successful at doing what they do best -- catching and killing their prey.


B.S. 1996 - Western Michigan University

Ph.D. 2003 - Florida Tech

Post-doctorate, 2003 - UC Davis

Recent Publications


2017. The Skeleton Revealed: An Illustrated Tour of the Vertebrates, January, 2017.  https://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/content/skeleton-revealed and http://blog.nature.org/science/2017/03/20/skeleton-revealed-vertebrates-never-seen-before/

2014.  Why Sharks Attack (research featured), NOVA. Boston, MA.

2013. Rose, J.,M. Sandefur, S. Huskey, J. Demler, M. Butcher. ­Muscle architecture and out-force potential of the thoracic limb in the Eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus). J. Morph. 274: 1277-1287.

2012. Grubich, J., S. Huskey, S. Crofts, G. Orti, J. Porto. Mega-Bites: Extreme jaw forces of living and extinct piranhas (Serrasalmidae). Nature Sci. Rep. 2, 1009; DOI:10.1038/srep01009.

2011. NG Explorer: Megapiranha, National Geographic Channel. Washington, D.C.

2011. Naked Science: Sea Strikers, National Geographic Channel. Washington, D.C.

2010. WOW! episode 103, National Geographic Channel. Washington, D.C.

2010. WOW! episode 102, National Geographic Channel. Washington, D.C.

2006. Wainwright, P.C., Huskey, S.H., Turingan, R.G., and Carroll, A.M. Ontogeny of suction feeding capacity in snook. J. Exp. Zool. 305A:246-252.

2004. Carroll, A., Wainwright, P.C., Huskey, S.H., Collar, D., and Turingan, R.G. Morphology predicts suction feeding performance in centrarchid fishes. J. Exp. Biol. 207:3873-3881.

2001. Huskey, S.H. and R.G. Turingan. Variation in prey-resource utilization and oral jaw gape between two populations of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Env. Biol. Fish. 61(2):185-194.

2021. Gilbert, M.C., A.J. Conith, C.S. Lerose, J.K. Moyer, S.H. Huskey, R.C. Robertson. Extreme morphology, functional trade-offs, and evolutionary dynamics in a clade of open-ocean fishes (Perciformes: Bramidae). Integrative Organismal Biology 3(1):1-22. (Cover feature).

 2021. Huskey, S. Stingray spines embedded in the skull of a cobia, Rachycentron canadum. Ichthyological Research 68(1):214-216.

 2020. Huskey, S., M. Westneat, J. Grubich. Piranha predation could not have driven the evolution of Arapaima gigas scales. Matter 3(6):1976-1978.

 2020. Tegge, S., C. Anderson, M. Smith, S. Huskey. The role of hyoid muscles in biotremor production in Chamaeleo calyptratus. Journal of Experimental Biology 223(22):1-10. (Cover feature).

 2020. Tegge, S, J. Hall, S. Huskey. Spatial and temporal changes in buccal pressure during prey-capture in the trumpetfish, A. maculatus. Zoomorphology 139(1):85-95.

 2020. Huskey, S., S. Tegge, C. Anderson, M. Smith, K. Barnett. Gular pouch diversity in the Chamaeleonidae. The Anatomical Record 303(8):2248-2261.

 2018. Hughes, R., K. Pedersen, S. Huskey. The kinematics of envenomation by the yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis. Zoomorphology 137:409-418. (Cover feature). Selected by the Editor-In-Chief as the highlight article of Issue 3.

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