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Kayak Roll Clinic
  • Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 20192019-09-24
  • Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Location: WKU NatatoriumWKU Natatorium

Does whitewater tickle your fancy? You’re in luck! ORAC is offering a step by step, hands on clinic in the Preston Center Natatorium on how to roll you kayak. Over the course of these two clinics you will learn the fundamentals of how to safely roll a kayak.  ORAC will supply whitewater kayaks, spray skirts, paddles, PFD’s and helmets. 


Prior registration is required. 

Sign up & attend this event to receive a special discount to College Outside



Follow the instructions below

1. Go to https://online.spectrumng.net/wku (it will open a new window!) 
2. Click "Do not have login" (you will need to make an account!) 
3. Enter your 800# (or 500# if a Preston Only Member) for the Member Number (even if you do not have a current membership!)
4. Choose a username and password for your online account with us. 
5. Once you have an account set up, click the Home Icon in the top left (the picture, not the actual home letters)
6. Click on Program Registration in the middle of the page!
7. Select ‘ORAC’ 
8. Select the trip or skill clinic you want! 
9. Add to Cart 
10. Continue to Cart 
11. This should take you to the Payment Summary Screen. Enter your payment info and hit Submit Payment. 
12. BAMM You're registered for a trip

Contact: orac@wku.edu

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College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

1906 College Heights Blvd. #11030,
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030

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 Last Modified 6/27/22