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Diversity & Inclusion in Graduate Education
  • Date: Tuesday, February 28th, 20232023-02-28
  • Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Location: JRH - JRH 0166JRH - JRH 0166
Description: This diversity conference will be open to the public to bring an internationally recognized speaker, Dr. Terrell Strayhorn. The purpose of this keynote speaker is to discuss how to espouse student success and mitigate equity/inclusion issues. Strayhorn’s scholarship focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to addressing complex educational problems such as campus climate, attrition, and most of all a sense of belonging. Dr. Strayhorn has served as Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs. As Vice President, Strayhorn served as both the Chief Academic Officer, providing oversight of all academic programs, and Senior Student Affairs Officer. He has supervised academic deans, student services deans, and even center directors.

Contact: Teresa Jameson teresa.jameson@wku.edu

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 Last Modified 6/27/22