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WKU Master Plan

Master Plan History

The vision of the Chief Facilities Officer Division is grounded in enhancing the WKU main campus – the hilltop setting, natural beauty and distinctive architecture – which creates a strong sense of place. In 1909 Henry Wright, a nationally prominent landscape architecture, in collaboration with President Henry Hardin Cherry, developed the first Master Plan to strategically plan for the growth of the University. The Master Plan is a work in progress and is perpetuated by the desire to continue the proud history of WKU. The 2010-2022 Master plan is based on these guiding principles:

• Emphasize fiscal responsibility in capital planning (renovated space vs. new space; increased building density vs. expanded campus boundary)

• Emphasize fiscal responsibility in operations (shared space vs. dedicated space)

• Incorporate best management practices for sustainability into capital construction projects (House Bill 2, LEED criteria and stormwater management).

• Improve greenspace to enhance the campus environment

• Continue to develop a consistent and compatible architectural language that supports historic as well as more modern architectural examples that exist on campus

• Acquire land as available to facilitate campus expansion.

• Maintain a walkable and accessible campus by improving pedestrian connections, safety and aesthetics

• Limit or remove vehicles from high-volume pedestrian areas

• Reduce traffic congestion and parking demand by creating multi-modal access to campus and increasing transit service

• Cultivate an on-campus residential community by improving housing and auxiliary services to support student success

• Develop and maintain building and safety standards for off-campus WKU-related organizations via the University District

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 Last Modified 9/20/18