Budgeting Resources
Our Preferred Budgeting Tools and Apps

Check out our Quick Start Guide to Your Financial Success: Budgeting
This is a great place to get started
Our Quick Start Guide explains some of the basics of budgeting.
If you have any budgeting questions, feel free to contact us here at the Center for Financial Success!

YNAB: http://www.youneedabudget.com/
This is the app that our staff uses personally to budget and is what we prefer to use with clients.
This app is browser based and downloadable for mobile devices.
YNAB offers great resources and blogs on budgeting and how to use their application
YNAB offers a 34 free day trial, plus a year free for students. We like to say it will save you so much money it is worth the small annual fee.

MINT: https://www.mint.com/
While we do not promote Mint as near as much as we do YNAB, we still think it is a super tool and in some cases works better for certain clients.
Mint does an excellent job of helping you keep track of when bills are due and what the balances are on any lines of credit that you may have.
Mint is free.