IRBNet Information
"New Registration" Training |
"Researcher 1: New Project Submission" Training |
"Researcher 2: Post-Submission Advanced Topics" Training |
For three further training sessions within IRBNet, use the following respective Usernames with Password:
The WKU IRB and the Office of Research Integrity are pleased to announce the adoption of the industry leading IRBNet suite of tools, bringing electronic protocol management, on-line submissions, and many other important features to the Western Kentucky University research community. The WKU IRB and the Western Kentucky University research community have long recognized the need to reduce manual and paper-based procedures, streamline protocol submission and review processes, and leverage today’s best technologies throughout the research lifecycle. As an important step toward these objectives, the WKU IRB adoption of IRBNet now brings the Western Kentucky University community a robust set of electronic tools supporting the management, submission, review, and oversight of our research protocols. Some of IRBNet’s many features include electronic document management, web-based protocol sharing, collaboration, automatic notifications, electronic submissions, reviews, important audit capabilities (including electronic revision histories), electronic signatures, and event tracking.
The WKU IRB and the Office of Research Integrity has carefully chosen IRBNet not only for the important capabilities that it provides, but also because IRBNet is secure, web-based, and extremely intuitive and easy to use. You may access IRBNet from virtually any computer using a web browser by visiting You will self-register as part of the Western Kentucky University community and begin using these exciting new tools soon. Please find the attached instructions of the IRBNet Training Energizers and information about other training and assistance to help you get started.
All protocols (including revisions and renewals) must be submitted electronically via IRBNet, and all review decision letters will be issued electronically via IRBNet.
Once again, the WKU IRB is pleased to bring these robust new tools to the Western Kentucky University community. For additional information please contact the Office of Research Integrity at 270-745-3360, who can assist you with any questions you may have.
Use only the current version of the WKU IRB application (and other documents) when submitting a new protocol found in the Forms and Templates Section of
Revisions, Updates, or Modifications to the study after the initial application has been submitted
Submit updates and revisions by clicking on the Project History button in the submission to add new documents. This creates a -2 (and so on) to the previous submission IRBNet ID, and the WKU IRB will get everything verified. Modifications and requests for additional time to collect data require the use of the Continuing Review Form found in the Forms & Templates section of
As of 11/20/2015; Unauthorized use of the WKU IRB approval stamp by anyone other than a WKU IRB Compliance Officer will be just cause for suspension of ALL new WKU IRB approvals for a period of up to 2 years for the offending researcher(s).
Note: documents in word format (DOC) require microsoft viewer