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Animal Care and Use

The use of animals for instructional, demonstration or research purposes comes under the federal guidelines of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. All animal use in such projects must receive prior approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Questions may be directed to Dr. Noah Ashley, Department of Biology, tel. (270) 745-4268.

IACUC animals

IACUC Procedures

Western Kentucky University has an Assurance of Compliance with Public Health Service Policy of Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

Western Kentucky University, hereinafter referred to as institution, hereby gives assurance that it will comply with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, hereinafter referred to as PHS Policy.

  1. Full Committee Review - Under full committee review, a quorum of the committee must meet in person (audio/video conferencing has been allowed in special situations) to discuss the proposal. After discussion, a vote on approval is taken and a majority of members must vote to approve. Dissenting members can submit a "minority opinion" in the meeting minutes if they wish.
  2. Designated reviewer method - The proposals are sent to the committee and everyone is allowed one week to submit a request that the proposal be reviewed using the "full committee review" method. If no one requests a full committee review, the chair can assign the proposal to one or more members for review. The designated reviewer(s) can approve the proposal, grant approval upon minor changes, or request a full committee review. The designated reviewer(s) cannot deny approval. Only the full committee, in a convened meeting, can deny a proposal.

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 Last Modified 10/30/24