Eligible Programs
ART 511 Independent Investigation/Art Education 3 Hours
Independent study in art curriculum and methodology, with emphasis on the literature, selected art history, and studio areas.
ART 512 Independent Investigation/Art Education 3 Hours
Independent study in art curriculum and methodology (including art history and studio). Emphasizes the use of surveys, observations, and experimental techniques.
ART 520 Ceramic Art 3 Hours
Advanced levels of clay forming techniques and clay glaze composition. Research in various phases of the ceramic process.
ART 540 Drawing 3 Hours
Independent study utilizing traditional methods of drawing. Students are encouraged to investigate and utilize new directions.
ART 550 Printmaking 3 Hours
Independent study utilizing traditional methods of printmaking. Encourages the exploration of new directions in personal expression.
ART 560 Painting 3 Hours
Advanced aspects of painting, with emphasis on experimentation in different styles and on individualized approaches.
ART 570 Sculpture 3 Hours
Independent study and experimentation in sculpture.
ART 580 Weaving 3 Hours
Individual study of weaving utilizing traditional and experimental techniques: the production of works that are highly individualistic and are of exhibition quality.
ART 590 Workshop in Arts and Humanities Education 3 Hours
Integrated arts and humanities curriculum development in P-12 settings.
ART 591 Investigation/Art History 3 Hours
Topics and approaches for special areas of interest. Emphasis on the traditional periods of art history.
ART 599 Thesis Research/Writing 1-6 Hours
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
ART 600 Maintaining Matriculation 1-6 Hours
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
BA 510 Advanced Organizational Behavior 3 Hours
Contemporary theory and research on organizational structure and design that has relevance for practical problems of designing and managing organizations.
BA 511 Applied Micro Economic Theory 3 Hours
Fundamental concepts of firm analysis, public policy, and individual decisions. Critical thinking applied to topics like supply and demand, revenue and costs, pricing, and information and uncertainty.
BA 513 Contemporary Business Analytics 3 Hours
This course examines contemporary concepts and methods used to analyze business problems and scenarios. Course topics will include the administration of data analytics, and will utilize a variety of analytic techniques and visualization tools to improve the decision process and enhance business value.
BA 515 Managerial Accounting 3 Hours
A review of the managerial accounting concepts and techniques used by managers in planning, performance evaluation, and decision making. Emphasis on the application of concepts and techniques in the analysis of cases.
BA 517 Advanced Marketing 3 Hours
Analysis and application of marketing principles, policies, and operations. Course focuses on marketing strategy and planning, the identification of marketing problems, the development of solutions, and ethical decision-making.
BA 519 Advanced Managerial Finance 3 Hours
How corporate entities make investment, financing, and dividend decisions maximizing shareholder wealth. Case studies and critical thinking on topics like corporate governance/ethics, shareholder analysis, and risk and return.
BA 544 Labor and Human Resources Economics 3 Hours
Study of static and dynamic models of labor demand, supply, and human capital investment.
BA 552 International Financial Management 3 Hours
The focus of the course is on financial decision making in the international context. Topics covered include environment of international financial management, foreign exchange risk management, foreign investment analysis, financing foreign operations, and international tax management.
BA 555 Strategic Leadership 3 Hours
This course is designed to improve understanding of strategic planning, implementation, and performance measurements in contemporary organizations. Students will explore the tools, techniques, benefits and limitations of strategic planning and management in the context of contemporary organizations, the role of organizational leaders as a key player in strategic management, managing stakeholders, assessing the organizational capacities as well as the external environments, and identifying adoption strategies. Emphasis will be place on strategic initiatives, change management, and leading through change in contemporary organizations.
BA 556 Leading Innovation, Creativity and Change 3 Hours
This course is geared towards developing a better understanding of the challenges, techniques, burden, and successes associated with initiating and implementing major changes within organizations. Therefore, the objective of the course is to prepare leaders to meet the challenges of organizational change. The theoretical concepts and practice of leading change in organizational, community, political and social action/social movement contexts are examined. Explicitly links theoretical concepts, models and processes of leadership and change with the intended purpose of change and its resulting outcomes.
BA 560 Contemporary Human Resources Management 3 Hours
An advance course focusing on the current critical issues of human resource management. Includes discussions on recruitment and selection techniques, performance appraisals, training and development, compensation, labor relations, occupational safety, and employee rights.
BA 571 Services Marketing 3 Hours
Focuses on the marketing of intangible products by discussing strategic implications for marketing mixes (product, price, place, and promotion) and consumer perceptions and expectations.
BA 573 International Business 3 Hours
Institutions, organizations, and procedures of international business. Emphasizes problems and decision-making techniques.
BA 579 Supply Chain Management 3 Hours
Integrates an organization's operations planning and control with suppliers and distributors through sharing information, managerial and technical talents.
BA 580 Contemporary Issues in Business 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Emphasizes issues pertinent to an understanding of today's business environment. Topics embrace the cross-functional, global, and technical aspects of business.
BA 583 Procurement Management 3 Hours
Examines procurement processes and decision making frameworks. Topics addressed include: inter-dependencies with other corporate functions; purchasing cycles; development of material and technical specifications; supplier selection, relationship management, and evaluation;supplier quality management and improvement activities; capital goods and services purchases; global sourcing; and procurement tools and analytics.
BA 584 Supply Chain Analytics 3 Hours
Examines the design, development, and utilization of decision models for the supply chain. Topics addressed include supply chain network design, analytical models, challenges, and data-based solutions.Descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive data analytics techniques will be applied to business cases and decision making situations.
BA 590 Strategic Business Concepts and Applications 3 Hours
Concepts and business strategies focusing on viewing the organization as an integrated whole. Use of Integrated Management Exercises (IMEs) involving student teams working on a business simulation or actual business project aimed at challenges and opportunities facing a business.
BDAN 513 Contemporary Business Analytics 3 Hours
This course examines contemporary concepts and methods used to analyze business problems and scenarios. Course topics will include the administration of data analytics, and will utilize a variety of analytic techniques and visualization tools to improve the decision process and enhance business value.
BDAN 515 Data Management 3 Hours
This course examines the development, administration, and utilization of large databases and database management systems. Coverage includes: on-premise and cloud-based data warehousing, best practices for Data ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) to ensure data integrity and quality, and managing the data acquisition, data conditioning, and data storage processes.
BDAN 517 Predictive Analytics 3 Hours
A study of supervised and unsupervised data mining models including the most common data analytics approaches or techniques to address business questions. Topics include data reduction, regression, classification, principal components analysis, cluster analysis, and the usage of CRISP-DM conceptual model. Emphasis is on the understanding of the capability (and limitation) of each model using data real business case studies.
BDAN 519 Visualization and Decision Making 3 Hours
A study of data visualization for businesses by adopting the best practices in examining complex, heterogeneous big data sets, including the use of advanced techniques to conduct thorough and insightful analysis. To this end, incorporating solutions to real business problems by including the development of dashboards and metrics for decision making that support the businesses.
CNS 500 College and Career Readiness Foundations 3 Hours
Overview of college and career readiness; roles and duties of college and career readiness helpers within the school system; and legal, ethical, standards-related issues and implications.
CNS 501 College and Career Consultation & Collaboration 3 Hours
Consultation models, professional collaborations, and application of concepts and skills with an emphasis on college and career readiness withinn school macro and micro systems.
CNS 502 College and Career Program Development & Evaluation 3 Hours
Program development and evaluation, with emphasis on P-16 college and career development and readiness.
CNS 503 Practicum in College and Career Readiness 3 Hours
Supervised experiences in college and career readiness setting(s).
CNS 555 Social and Cultural Diversity in Counseling 3 Hours
Philosophical, sociological, developmental, and emotional understanding of multicultural education and counseling as they relate to working with individuals in schools, universities, and other human service settings.
CNS 556 Developmental Career Counseling 3 Hours
Integrates the career counseling process into the life span from early childhood through older adulthood. Career development theories; career assessment instruments; educational resources; placement; follow up and evaluation. Interrelationships among work, marital, family, and other life roles including multicultural and gender issues.
CNS 572 The College Student Experience 3 Hours
Characteristics and attitudes of contemporary "traditional" and "non-traditional" college students will be examined. Major topics covered will include the impact of college environments on students, current issues and concerns, and implications for delivery of student services.
CNS 574 Student Development in Higher Education 3 Hours
This course will examine the developmental processes that impact college students. Major topics will include a discussion of various theoretical models, sociocultural foundations, developmental program designs, and assessment techniques and implications.
CNS 577 Counseling Concepts and Applications for Student Affairs Professionals 3 Hours
Basic counseling concepts and applications essential for effective student affairs practice.
CNS 579 Seminar in Student Affairs 3 Hours
This research oriented, discussion course is designed to focus on current issues and practices in Student Affairs.
CNS 593 Career Development in Student Affairs and Higher Education 3 Hours
Career development process throughout the lifespan, emphasis on implications for student affairs and higher education. Career development theories, career assessment instruments, professional resources, decision-making models, and factors inherent to the career development process; evolving economic, political, social and technological conditions.
CNS 595 Internship 3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 12 hrs)
Supervised experience in a school, community college, or university setting. Note: Completion of the appropriate practice preparation sequence and departmental approval required. Note: Completion of the appropriate practice preparation sequence and departmental approval required.
CNS 610 Assessment and Accountability in Student Affairs and Higher Education 3 Hours
Fundamental concepts of comprehensive assessment in student affairs and higher education. Emphasis on program or service assessment and related budget considerations.
CNS 647 Addictions: Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 3 Hours
This course involves the selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment methods and techniques used to diagnose addiction disorders, as well as the development of appropriate treatment plans and issues involved in individual, group and family treatment planning.
CNS 667 Counseling Substance and Process Addictions 3 Hours
Counseling issues to substance abuse diagnosis, treatment and aftercare programs involving individual, group, family and other systems.
CNS 670 Parameters of Law in Student Affairs and Higher Education 3 Hours
Survey of legal issues, cases and concepts; the responsibilities of student affairs administrators to act within the law; and the rights of faculty, staff and students in higher education.
CNS 675 Advanced Career Counseling and Services Administration 3 Hours
Examines advanced career counseling topics, process and procedure in the context of the design and delivery of career counseling services to individuals across the lifespan. Focuses on increasing student understanding of counseling techniques, programming, administration, systems and resources for the provision of student/client career service.
COMM 501 Qualitative Methods in Communication Research 3 Hours
Study of qualitative research designs and the procedures typically used in communication research. Includes general overview of interviewing and other qualitative research methodologies.
COMM 502 Quantitative Methods in Communication Research 3 Hours
Study of quantitative research designs and the procedures typically used in communication research. Includes general overview of survey, and other quantitative research methodologies along with statistical analysis using computer software.
COMM 510 Strategies for Teaching Communication 0 Hours
Designed to improve the teaching performance of COMM graduate assistants in teaching the basic public speaking courses.
COMM 523 Health Communication 3 Hours
An examination of the role communication plays in the delivery of health care. Focus is on provider-patient relationships, other providers of care, health communication campaigns, health behavior change, and within health care contexts.
COMM 526 Family Communication 3 Hours
Survey of research and theory in family communication.
COMM 528 Communication in the Nonprofit Sector 3 Hours
Survey of organizational communication issues and the ways in which they are uniquely situated in and applied to nonprofit organizations and philanthropy.
COMM 531 Global Leadership Communication 3 Hours
This seminar focuses on the impact of national or ethnic culture on leadership communication behaviors when leading in multi-national and/or multi-ethnic organizations.
COMM 547 Organizational Communication Theory 3 Hours
A survey of organizational communication theories, perspectives, methods, and current issues.
COMM 552 Democracy, Power, & Voice in Organizations 3 Hours
An in-depth look at the theoretical underpinnings and communication research related to participation, democracy, voice, and power in for-profit, non-profit, volunteer, and community organizations.
COMM 553 Health Communication Campaigns 3 Hours
Examines and analyzes the critical role communication plays in planning, implementation, and evaluation of health communication campaign.
COMM 560 Seminar in Organizational Communication 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Topical studies within the field of organizational communication. Topics include employee communication and conflict management, among others.
COMM 561 Multinational Organizational Communication 3 Hours
This course provides an in-depth study of internal and external communication behaviors in business organizations operating in multinational environments.
COMM 562 Special Topics in Intercultural Communication 3 Hours
Provides graduate students an opportunity for an in-depth study of special topics in intercultural communication. One or two topics will be chosen for study during the course. These topics will be selected by the instructor based on special availability of resources, appropriateness for current intercultural conditions, and interest of students.
COMM 564 Crisis Communication 3 Hours
Role of communication in crisis prevention, crisis readiness and crisis resolution.
COMM 566 Corporate & Organizational Advocacy 3 Hours
Historical overview of corporate and organizational advocacy in the 20th century focusing on the communication process used in corporate advocacy.
COMM 568 Communication and Organizational Identification 3 Hours
Survey of the phenomena of identification in organizations and how identification is constructed through communication.
COMM 570 Seminar in Human Communication 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Selected topics in communication theory: small group communication, language behavior, etc.
COMM 571 Organizational Communication in the Digital Age 3 Hours
This course considers effective communication with technologies in organizational contexts based on foundational theories and contemporary research. It also covers the social and communicative impact of technologies on organizations and organizational members.
COMM 578 Seminar in Interpersonal Communication 3 Hours
Examination of professional literature and basic research in interpersonal communication.
COMM 581 Applied Organizational Communication 3 Hours
Provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical concepts to various functions of organizational communication in industry and corporate contexts.
COMM 586 Process of Group Communication 3 Hours
Practice in the group communication processes that lead toward successful team work in organizational contexts.
COMM 590 Intercultural Communication 3 Hours
A survey of intercultural communication theories, approaches, methods, and current issues.
COMM 595 Independent Study in Communication 3 Hours
Permits students to conduct individualized communication research in an area of their interest.
COMM 596 Graduate Internship in Communication 3 Hours
This course offers students a project-based work experience in an organization under faculty direction.
COMM 599 Thesis Research/Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
CYSA 520 Principles of Cybersecurity for Data Analytics 3 Hours
A study of cybersecurity to support the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as it applies to data analytics. Topics include evaluating system configurations, performing threat analysis, designing risk mitigation techniques, and understanding applicable policies, laws, and regulations.
CYSA 522 Cybersecurity Risk and Compliance 3 Hours
This course examines risk management and compliance using cyber analytics from an information assurance and cybersecurity perspective. Additionally it will explore the impact the design and integration of cybersecurity policies and procedures within the organization. Topics covered include: risk management; risk assessments; threat, vulnerability and exploit analysis; risk prioritization; risk mitigation; business impact analysis disaster recovery planning; incident response and recovery; compliance and regulation at a state, federal, and international level; and audits.
CYSA 524 Cybersecurity Orchestration Using Data Analytics 3 Hours
A study of proactively defending and continuously improving the security of the enterprise with emphasis on using data analytics. Topics include leveraging intelligence and threat detection techniques, analyzing and interpret data, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, determining preventative measures, and effectively responding to and recovering from incidents.
EDAD 583 Accounting for Pupil Personnel 3 Hours
Emphasizes the responsibilities of directors of pupil personnel, problems of personnel accounting, and records and reports related to the Minimum Foundation Program.
EDAD 585 Fundamentals of School Administration 3 Hours
Organization and administration of American schools. Principles of effective leadership and the roles and responsibilities of administrative supervisory positions.
EDAD 594 Seminar on Leadership: Auxiliary Programs in Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Principles and practices of leadership in the development and operation of auxiliary educational programs including special education, counseling, extracurricular programs and vocational education.
EDAD 598 Field-Based Experience in Educational Administration 3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Clinical experiences with practitioners in the field to acquaint the prospective administrator/supervisor with the realities of educational organizations.
EDAD 602 Intro to School Leadership 3 Hours
A survey of theory and research in school leadership focusing on ethical, equity-driven decision making and practice. Explores processes for vocational discernment as a school leader and tools for assessing leadership strengths and growth areas.
EDAD 603 School Law and Policy 3 Hours
An overview of the American legal system as it applies to P-12 education, Kentucky schools, and education policy.
EDAD 604 Creating a Culture of Achievement 3 Hours
This course focuses on identifying processes to create and foster a positive professional and student culture that supports a unifying purpose of learning and achievement.
EDAD 605 Leading a Community of Leaders 3 Hours
This course focuses on identifying processes to create and foster a strong and healthy relationship between the school and both internal and external community stakeholders.
EDAD 606 Leading Learning Systems 3 Hours
This course will develop students’ understanding of best practices and current trends in curriculum, instruction, and assessment and prepare them to use available tools to monitor and improve the alignment and implementation of these systems to promote academic success for all students.
EDAD 607 Developing Teacher Capacity 3 Hours
This course will develop human resource leadership skills for P-12 principal candidates, emphasizing the development of teachers through evaluation, coaching, and comprehensive professional learning.
EDAD 608 Resource Management for Equitable Outcomes 3 Hours
This course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of school principals relative to managing people, processes, and data in service of a vision that ensures the safety and success of all students.
EDAD 609 Leading School Improvement 3 Hours
This course focuses on leading school improvement by using data and collaborating with others to identify problems of practice, set direction, develop people, and redesign organizational structures to ensure success for all students. Students will learn to use tools and processes associated with school improvement, multi-tiered systems of support, and other structures.
EDAD 610 Clinical Experiences in the Principalship 1 Hour (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Clinical experiences that build the capacity of aspiring school principals to solve problems in a variety of real-world contexts.
EDAD 639 The Superintendency 3 Hours
Function, role, and responsibilities of the school superintendent. Topics include politics and education; superintendent's relationships with the school board, central office staff, and with the state department of education; the budget process; strategic planning; and curriculum leadership. Note: Two years of school administrative experience required.
EDAD 649 School System Administration 3 Hours
School system operations including finances, auxiliary services, human resources, federal and state programs, facilities, and curriculum and instruction.
EDAD 659 Strategic Planning in Education 3 Hours
Examination of planning processes used by leaders to direct educational change and improvement. Includes strategic planning approaches designed to address macro and micro organizational goals.
EDAD 686 Principles of Supervision 3 Hours
The instructional aspect of school administration; organization, problems, principles, and techniques of improving in-service training for teachers.
EDAD 694 Seminar in Educational Administration 3,6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Examination of current leadership practices with emphasis on the changing role of the educational administrator.
EDFN 576 Issues and Trends in Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Selected issues and problems in contemporary society, their impact upon the educational system, and the possible role of the educational system in resolving such problems.
EDU 501 Seminar: Designing Professional Development Plan 2 Hours
Students should enroll in EDU 501 within the first 7 hours of course work in the Non Degree Planned Fifth Year or Master's Degree.
EDU 502 Positive Learning Environment 3 Hours
This class will focus on methods and models of positive behavior management in group settings for school-aged learners.
EDU 503 Professional Development Experience 3-6 Hours
Advanced training within a professional development context is designed to be a collaboration between the university and regional school districts to support candidates with job embedded experiences. The professional development must be pre-approved by WKU.
EDU 507 Geographic Concepts and Skills for Teachers 3 Hours
Designed for experienced social studies, earth science, and geoscience teachers. Provides up to date geographic content, information, and related geographic skills associated with geography core content for the P-12 classroom.
EDU 520 Planning for Instruction 3 Hours
Survey of instructional planning, focused on pre-instruction. Topics include classroom management, determining outcomes and criteria for success, and differentiating instruction.
EDU 521 Implementing an Instructional Plan 3 Hours
Survey of implementation and management of instruction. Topics include classroom management, determining outcomes and criteria for success, and differentiating instruction. One-third of the course is content-specific instruction.
EDU 522 Foundations of Differentiated Instruction 3 Hours
Designing a qualitatively different instruction for students with varying abilities, interests, learning profiles, and affect within the regular classroom experience.
EDU 524 Educational Assessment 3 Hours
A study of assessment and evaluative techniques used by P-12 teachers, including norm-referenced and criterion-based data analysis, that are utilized throughout the teaching and learning process.
EDU 540 Place-Based Social Studies 3 Hours
Place-based social studies introduces educators to research, theory, and practice of using the local community and environment to teach concepts in civics, history, economics, and geography. This course is intended for P-12 educators and nonformal educators.
EDU 541 Place-Based Science 3 Hours
Place-based science uses local community/environment to teach concepts in sense of place through studying local ecology, environmental justice, energy, and health. This course is intended for P-12 and nonformal educators.
EDU 544 Classroom Teaching Strategies 3 Hours
Examination of alternative teaching strategies related to four major goal attainment areas: fact/process retention, information, processing, social interaction, and personal development.
EDU 560 Capstone in Education 3 Hours
Candidates will conduct a capstone project in a school setting tied to district, school, and/or participant professional identified needs.
EDU 570 Educational Assessment for P-12 Learners 3 Hours
Best practices for educational assessment for classroom teachers. Designed for graduate students seeking initial teacher certification program.
EDU 580 Advanced Special Topics 3-6 Hours
Advanced special topics course customized to support program participant goals.
EDU 589 Advanced Internship for the MAT 6 Hours
Students complete the state approved equivalent of a student teaching experience through supervised practice in an appropriate setting. Settings will vary according to student background, certification goals, and advisor approval. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to assigned sites. Note: Admission to professional education unit required.
EDU 590 Advanced Teaching Internship 3 Hours
Supervised internship in an academic setting for development of advanced instructional skills and experience. Site assigned will depend on student background and will require advisor approval. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
EDU 594 Practicum in Education or Behavioral Sciences 1-3 Hours
Supervised practical experience related to education or behavioral science studies. Note: Completion of at least 18 hours in MAE Education and Behavioral Science Studies including all core requirements except capstone required.
EDU 595 Directed Study in Education or Behavioral Sciences 3 Hours
Directed study related to best practices in education or behavioral sciences. Requires completion of research project on approved topic. Note: Completion of at least 21 hours in MAE Education and Behavioral Science Studies including all requirements except capstone required.
EDU 596 Seminar: Portfolio Development and Professional Educator Growth Plan 1-2 Hours
Students should enroll in EDU 596 after completing at least 24 hours of course work in the Non Degree Planned Fifth Year or Master's Degree.
EDU 598 Seminar: Evaluation of Professional Development Plan 1 Hour
No course description is available
EDU 599 Thesis Research and Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Independent research on a topic related to education or behavioral sciences.
EDU 600 Maintaining Matriculation 1-6 Hours
Maintaining matriculation.
EDU 601 Seminar: Advanced Professional Development Plan 1 Hour
Advanced study of relevant professional standards and the application of those standards to a formal professional development plan and professional project development. Students plan a professional project to educate peers in their school, district, or state.
EDU 604 Management Learning Environment 3 Hours
No course description is available
EDU 694 National Board for Certification Exploration and Support 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
This course prepares teachers to complete the initial certification by completing the coursework for the four components (content knowledge, assessment, differentiation, and learning environments) as outlined by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
EDU 695 Advanced Topics in Education 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Readings or special projects in education. Note: Post-master's standing required.
EDU 698 Seminar: Advanced Portfolio Project 2 Hours
An exit seminar requiring presentation of a professional portfolio project including evidence of professional development. Note: Completion of at least 24 hours in non-degree planned Rank I or Specialist degree required.
EDU 699 Specialist Project 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Independent research related to a topic in education.
ELED 503 Organization of Elementary School Curriculum 3 Hours
Principles and practices in elementary school curriculum construction. Emphasis on forces affecting curriculum, current innovations, and trends.
ELED 505 Mat/Meth/Math/El Teach 3 Hours
No course description is available
ELED 506 Seminar in Elementary School Science 3 Hours
Advanced methods and materials for teaching science in the elementary school.
ELED 507 Advanced Materials and Methods in Social Studies 3 Hours
Concepts and objectives, classroom organization for instruction, current strategies in teaching content, and materials available.
ELED 509 Advanced Methods and Materials for Elementary Education 3 Hours
Examination of alternative instructional strategies and support materials appropriate for elementary-age learners in language arts-reading, mathematics, social studies, and science.
ELED 545 Investigations in Classroom Teaching 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Opportunity for elementary teachers to engage in the concentrated study of specific problems and/or the development of specific skills related to effective classroom instruction.
ELED 570 Workshop - Elementary Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
No course description is available
ELED 571 Leadership, Math and Technology Education 3 Hours
Leadership and pedagogy for integrating mathematics and technology initiatives within elementary school settings.
ELED 572 Math and Technology Methods for Diverse Learners 3 Hours
Methods for teaching mathematics to and integrating technology with diverse learners in the elementary school setting.
ELED 573 Math and Technology Assessment 3 Hours
Techniques for using technology to plan, implement, and evaluate mathematics assessment in the elementary school setting.
ELED 599 Thesis Research/Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Independent research on a topic related to education or behavioral sciences.
ELED 600 Maintain Matriculation 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
ELED 603 Advanced Seminar Elementary Curriculum 3 Hours
Strategies and models to assist the elementary classroom teacher in assuming an active role in total elementary school curriculum development.
ELED 699 Specialist Project 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Specialist project research and writing directed by faculty committee.
ENG 501 Graduate Writing Workshop 3 Hours (repeatable max of 21 hrs)
Provides a Master's level workshop for students with varied writing interests.
ENG 502 Graduate Directed Writing 3 Hours
Provides a graduate-level directed writing course for students with varied writing interests.
ENG 504 Studies in American Literature 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Focuses on an area of study in American literature from a range of historical periods; explores a particular topic and/or an array of literary genres or modes.
ENG 507 Introduction to Creative Writing Studies 3 Hours
An introduction to the field of creative writing studies; its history within academia; its pedagogies; and its distinctive culture, including common practices in networking, lifelong learning and professional development, and best practices for writers seeking to publish their work.
ENG 509 Practicum in One-to-One Writing Instruction 0 Hours
Participants will study the theory and practice of writing conferences and tutorials. Course will prepare participants to work individually with students, both as part of classroom instruction and in tutorial settings. Note: This course is reserved for graduate assistants in the English Department.
ENG 510 Graduate Rhetoric and Writing 3 Hours
Rhetorical theories and the practical considerations of college writing instruction. Open to all students but required of teaching assistants prior to their first teaching assignment.
ENG 511 Writing Instruction Practicum 0 Hours
A practicum in composition instruction for English Department graduate assistants who will be teaching ENG 100 as part of their assistantship in subsequent semesters. Note: Department graduate assistant status and completion of a minimum of nine hours of English course work required.
ENG 512 Reading as a Writer 3 Hours
A reading course for creative writers. Students will closely read and discuss literary works and craft essays. They will analyze and emulate the forms and techniques of leading practitioners of poetry, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and scriptwriting.
ENG 514 Studies in British Literature 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Focuses on an area of study in British literature from a range of historical periods; explores a particular topic and/or an array of literary genres or modes.
ENG 515 Internship 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Professional work experience combined with faculty direction.
ENG 516 Literature and Pedagogy 3 Hours
Pedagogical theories and the practical considerations of teaching college literature. Note: In addition to prerequisite courses, 3 hours of graduate literature coursework required.
ENG 520 Introduction to Graduate Studies 3 Hours
Basic bibliography and bibliographical problems; research methods requisite for the MA thesis and scholarly publications; methodologies of recent critical essays.
ENG 524 Studies in World Literature 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A study of world literature, ranging widely over historical periods (classical to modern) and geographical areas (Eastern and Western), including both canonical works and non-traditional literatures; topics will vary every semester.
ENG 534 Studies in Genre 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Study of a particular genre, such as the novel, short stories, life writing, poetry, or drama. Topics will vary.
ENG 565 Integrated Teaching English as a Second Language 3 Hours
Solid foundation in the theories of child-adult classroom-based language learning and methods for English language instruction. Field experiences in public schools or other appropriate settings away from campus are required. Note: Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
ENG 566 Teaching and Testing ESL Grammar 3 Hours
Investigation of ESL learners' grammatical difficulties, approaches to solving them, and ways to test their grammatical development. Field experiences in public schools or other appropriate settings away from campus are required. Note: Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
ENG 586 Seminar in British Writers 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Content varies. Selected works or writers.
ENG 596 Seminar in American Writers 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Topics will vary. Selected works or writers.
ENG 597 Special Topics in English 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Seminar on topics in literature, language, or composition.
ENG 598 Advanced Directed Study 3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Supervised student research on literary or linguistic topics.
ENG 599 Thesis Research and Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
ENG 600 Maintaining Matriculation 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
ENVE 520 Introduction to Environmental Education 3 Hours
This course will provide students with an introduction to the field of environmental education, including basic history and philosophy, methodologies, resources for educators, and current trends in the field.
ENVE 560 Investigating and Evaluating Environmental Issues 3 Hours
Specifically designed for teachers and other educators, course focuses on the identification and evaluation of specific environmental issues, leading to possible environmental/service action projects by their students, with attention to the potential outcomes of such projects on the physical environment, other humans, and other living things.
ENVE 580 Instructional Strategies in Environmental Education 3 Hours
Specific teaching strategies associated with the field of environmental education programs will be addressed, with an emphasis on active, experiential learning. Portions of the course are taught in field settings. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
ENVE 585 Special Topics in Environmental Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A consideration of special topics to acquaint the advanced student with significant problems and developments of current interest in environmental education.
EOHS 502 Health Promotion in the Workplace 3 Hours
Provides specific skills and concepts for worksite health promotion as it pertains to designing, implementing, and evaluating multifaceted health promotion programs in the workplace. Additional skills acquired in this course include financial and marketing strategies, policy development, and effective communication between employer and employee.
EOHS 503 Health Assessment in Workplace 3 Hours
This course presents concepts and teaches skills needed to assess health status at the individual, organizational, and community levels in a workplace wellness environment. Emphasis is placed on, but not limited to, physical and psychological components of health.
EOHS 510 Watershed Management and Science 3 Hours
Watershed management and science including water resources protection, watershed health development and assessment, and environmental and water ethics.
EOHS 502 Health Promotion in the Workplace 3 Hours
Provides specific skills and concepts for worksite health promotion as it pertains to designing, implementing, and evaluating multifaceted health promotion programs in the workplace. Additional skills acquired in this course include financial and marketing strategies, policy development, and effective communication between employer and employee.
EOHS 503 Health Assessment in Workplace 3 Hours
This course presents concepts and teaches skills needed to assess health status at the individual, organizational, and community levels in a workplace wellness environment. Emphasis is placed on, but not limited to, physical and psychological components of health.
EOHS 510 Watershed Management and Science 3 Hours
Watershed management and science including water resources protection, watershed health development and assessment, and environmental and water ethics.
FLK 561 Folk Arts and Technology 3 Hours
Examination of the study of material folk culture from various methodological and theoretical perspectives, including artifactual analysis, design theory and ethnoaesthetics.
FLK 562 Folklore and Education 3 Hours
Methods, theories, skills and resources for teaching folklore, with an emphasis on the K-12 curriculum. Teaching, teacher training, preparation of guides, lesson plans and curricula, and multiculturalism will be covered.
FLK 566 Oral History 3 Hours
Methods and theories of oral history, legal and ethical considerations, uses and planning of local oral history projects.
FLK 569 Folklore Genres 3 Hours
An examination of the oral, customary, and material culture genres of folklore, and the theories and methods of genre studies.
FLK 571 Folk Narrative 3 Hours
A survey of narrative genres of folklore and relevant scholarship.
FLK 575 Folk Belief 3 Hours
An examination of vernacular belief systems and practices, including folk religion, alternative and folk healing, divination, ritual, legend, and myth. Current historical, philosophical, anthropological, and folkloristic theories will be covered.
FLK 576 American Traditional Music 3 Hours
An examination of diverse forms of traditional American musical expression.
FLK 577 Folklore Theory 3 Hours
Folklore scholarship, its historical development, and its principal bibliographical materials.
FLK 578 Folklore Fieldwork 3 Hours
Examination of methodological issues and techniques in folklore fieldwork.
FLK 580 Folklore Conversation and Communication 3 Hours
Forms of folklore which occur within a conversational stream. Expressive culture as a particular culture-specific mode of communication.
FLK 581 Public Folklore Policy and Practice 3 Hours
Engagement with current policy and practice issues of public folklore documentation, presentation, and conservation. Emphasis on the role of the federal government and non-profit agencies as they relate to public folklore policy and practice.
FLK 585 Topics in Folklore 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Topics of current interest in the field. Content varies according to the instructor and needs of the students.
FLK 586 Capstone Course in Historic Preservation 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Capstone course for students seeking careers in historic preservation. Application of acquired theory and practice in developing a single project in historic preservation.
FLK 587 Capstone Course in Public Folklore 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Capstone course for students seeking careers in public folklore. Application of acquired theory and practice in developing a single project in public folklore.
FLK 589 Internship 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Supervised work situation with cooperating business, industry, social or governmental agency, emphasizing application of advanced knowledge and skills in folk studies.
FLK 590 Capstone in Museum Studies 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Capstone course for students seeking careers in museum studies. Application of acquired theory and practice in developing a single project in museum studies.
FLK 599 Thesis Research and Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Master's thesis in folk studies.
GTE 536 Nature and Needs of Gifted, Creative, and Talented Students 3 Hours
Terminology, theories, issues and general approaches in educating gifted, creative, and talented young people.
GTE 537 Curriculum, Strategies, and Materials for Gifted Students 3 Hours
The curriculum and the learning environment in meeting the unique and advanced needs of gifted students. Strategies particularly suitable for the gifted.
GTE 538 Practicum for Teachers of Gifted Students 3 Hours
Supervised experiences to integrate the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate effective learning experiences for gifted, creative, and talented students.
GTE 539 Assessment and Identification of Gifted and Talented Children 3 Hours
Methods and techniques for assessing and identifying children who are gifted and talented.
GTE 540 Developing Creativity and Leadership in Gifted Youth 3 Hours
Theoretical and practical aspects of Creativity and Leadership as related to identification and programming for gifted children and youth. Best practices in helping children and youth develop creativity and leadership.
GTE 636 Issues in Gifted Education and Talent Development 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Issues, current problems, and trends in gifted education and talent development. Emphasis on current research and literature.
GTE 637 Seminar in Gifted Education and Talent Development 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Current issues and practices in gifted education. Topics will vary.
HCA 540 Health Care Organization and Management 3 Hours
Organization and management principles, theories and practices in the health care environment. The U.S. health care system, the role of the administrator, facilities operations and evaluation, and health administration research.
HCA 541 Strategic Management & Marketing of Health Services 3 Hours
Marketing principles, theories, and practices in the health care environment. Structured opportunities to study health care marketing literature and to develop skills in marketing plan development.
HCA 542 Health Care Human Resources Administration 3 Hours
Principles and practices of human resources administration in the health care field. The unique characteristics of professional, technical, skilled and unskilled health care workers explored and emphasized.
HCA 543 Health Care Quality and Accountability 3 Hours
Critical knowledge of health care quality and required accountability within the health care industry. The major topics of quality assurance, risk management, utilization management, JCAHO and NCQA standards, Six Sigma, and continuous quality improvement will be discussed.
HCA 545 Managerial Finance for Health Services 3 Hours
Methods of financing the delivery of health services in the U.S. Includes budgetary mechanisms and managerial finance techniques for measuring, monitoring, analyzing, and controlling costs for both the providers and consumers of healthcare services.
HCA 551 Health Care Jurisprudence 3 Hours
Provides an overview of the American legal system as it relates to the health care industry. Topics include duty owed (patients and organizations), ethics, malpractice, risk management, quality, accountability, rights without obligations (of patients, practitioners, and management), and current trends in health care law.
HCA 574 Decision Making in Health Care 3 Hours
Basic decision models and decision making tools useful for managing uncertainty and solving health care management problems. The course is concerned with a wide variety of applied and theoretical archetypes, as well as modeling and quantitative techniques currently used in health care management.
HCA 586 Health Economics & Policy 3 Hours
Economic principles applied to the study of health care facilities, health services and manpower. These 400-level courses may be taken for graduate credit. Students receiving graduate credit in 400G courses will be required to do additional research, readings, or other appropriate assignments.
HIST 501 European History for Secondary Teachers 3 Hours
Emphasis on bibliography, documents, historical interpretations and materials useful for secondary teachers of history.
HIST 502 US History for Secondary Teachers 3 Hours
Emphasis on bibliography, documents, historical interpretations, and materials for secondary teachers of history.
HIST 505 Cultural Diversity in American History 3 Hours
A topical study of cultural diversity in American history and its influence on the society's social, political, and economic institutions. Designed to assist teachers in incorporating into their classes knowledge about cultural diversity.
HIST 506 Approaches to World History 3 Hours
Introduction to world history as a field of study and teaching. Covers a range of theoretical and practical approaches to the practice of history on a world or global scale.
HIST 507 The Crusades 3 Hours
The history and scholarship of the Crusades. It will cover major scholarly works on the Crusades and crusading as well as the expansion of Crusade studies into new geographic contexts (the Baltic, the Americas, et al.) and into time periods from the Late Middle Ages to the present.
HIST 518 Reformation Europe 3 Hours
A study of the religious, political, and social history of Europe from the late Middle Ages to the end of the religious wars in 1648, focusing on Protestant and Catholic reform movements.
HIST 520 History of Sexuality 3 Hours
Survey of how past societies and cultures have interpreted human sexual behavior and identities.
HIST 521 United States 1900-1945 3 Hours
A study of American social, political, economic, and cultural developments in the period that included two world wars and the Great Depression.
HIST 522 United States Since 1945 3 Hours
A study of all phases of United States history since 1945.
HIST 525 Social/Intellectual 19th Century US 3 Hours
A study of nineteenth century American thought and its relation to social, economic, and political institutions.
HIST 526 Social/Intellectual 20th Century US 3 Hours
A study of twentieth century American thought and its relation to social, economic, and political institutions.
HIST 527 Social/Intellectual 19th Century Europe 3 Hours
An examination of political, social, economic, and religious thought of nineteenth century Europe and its relation to the society of the period.
HIST 530 History of the US Civil Rights Movement 3 Hours
Survey of the struggle for civil rights and social justice in the United States.
HIST 531 A Cultural History of Alcohol 3 Hours
An examination of the role that alcohol plays in historical development among various world cultures over time. Instructor may choose to focus on a specific region and/or time period.
HIST 535 Historiography 3 Hours
A survey of historical writing from ancient times to the present, with emphasis on the modern historical profession.
HIST 536 Sources and Methods 3 Hours
Introduces a range of methods for scholarship in the field of history, including how to develop research questions, identify and access archives, and utilize primary sources. Examines methodological trends that have shaped the historical profession.
HIST 540 Colonial North America 3 Hours
The background, founding, and development of North American colonies, emphasizing political, social, cultural, and economic institutions.
HIST 541 American Revolution and Early Republic 3 Hours
A study of the American Revolution and early republic period, including local, regional, and global contexts.
HIST 543 US Civil War and Reconstruction 3 Hours
A study of the origins of the US Civil War, including an analysis of the military, social, cultural, and diplomatic events, as well as the significant developments of Reconstruction.
HIST 544 Gilded Age America 3 Hours
A study of American history and culture from the end of the Reconstruction to the early twentieth century, emphasizing social, political, cultural, and regional development.
HIST 545 American Legal History to 1865 3 Hours
A survey of the development of American law and its relationship to political, economic, and social trends in antebellum American society.
HIST 546 American Legal History Since 1865 3 Hours
A survey of the development of American law and its relationship to political, economic, and social trends in modern American society.
HIST 547 History of American Popular Culture 3 Hours
Introduction to the role of popular culture in United States history and consciousness from the nineteenth century to the present.
HIST 552 American Urban History 3 Hours
The rise of the city from colonial times to the present, focusing on the economic base of urban expansion, the social and cultural scene, the pattern of urban politics, urban services, municipal administration, and the image of the city in popular thought.
HIST 554 Discovery and Interpretation of Local History 3 Hours
Materials, methodology, and techniques employed in local history research and its integration with other fields.
HIST 556 Kentucky History 3 Hours
A study of the political, economic, social, and cultural development of Kentucky since colonization.
HIST 557 The Old South 3 Hours
This course analyzes intellectual, cultural, political, economic, and racial ideologies of the American south, focusing on the period between 1800 and 1860.
HIST 558 The New South 3 Hours
This course analyzes intellectual, cultural, political, economic, and racial ideologies of the American south from the civil war until the end of the twentieth century.
HIST 559 Immigrants in American History 3 Hours
Survey of the history of immigration and immigrant communities in the United States.
HIST 563 The Atlantic World 3 Hours
A study of the areas touched by the Atlantic Ocean, focusing on the intersections of African, Native American, and European cultures.
HIST 569 Internship 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Practical experience in a supervised work situation with a cooperating library, museum, archives, or other appropriate historical organization.
HIST 574 History of Religion in America 3 Hours
Survey of the development of religion in America. Among topics: separation of church and state and American civil religion.
HIST 581 The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy 3 Hours
An overview of the Confederate States of America. Topics covered will include nationalism, race, politics, religion, and leadership.
HIST 590 Advanced Individual Study 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A research problem or intensive readings directed by a faculty member. Note: 3.0 average in at least 9 hours at the graduate level required.
HIST 599 Thesis Research/Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
HIST 600 Maintain Matriculation 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
HIST 605 Seminar in Ancient History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar that focuses on historical developments and cultural achievements in the ancient world.
HIST 606 Seminar in European History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar in diverse areas of European history.
HIST 609 Seminar in Early Modern Europe, 1350-1750 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar examining political, social, and cultural developments of Early Modern Europe.
HIST 612 Seminar in Modern Europe, 1750-Present 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar examining political, social, and cultural developments in Modern Europe.
HIST 615 Seminar in World History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar on a selected theme or area of world history.
HIST 616 Seminar in Middle Eastern History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar introduces major themes, methods, and scholarly literature in Middle Eastern history.
HIST 617 Seminar in Latin American History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar introduces major themes, methods, and scholarly literature in Latin American history.
HIST 622 Seminar in Borderlands History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar introduces major themes, methods, and scholarly literature in the history of borderlands regions.
HIST 630 Seminar in US History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Rotating-topic seminar in diverse areas of United States history.
HIST 641 Readings in American History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A broad survey of readings designed to acquaint students with current historiographical trends in American history. May cover various time periods and regions.
HIST 642 Readings in African History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A broad survey of readings designed to acquaint students with current historiographical trends in African history. May cover various time periods and regions.
HIST 644 Readings in European History 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A broad survey of readings designed to acquaint students with current historiographical trends in European history. May cover various time periods and regions.
ID 560 Instructional Design Foundations 3 Hours
Systematic approach to instructional design, the contexts of application of this approach, and the roles of professionals in this field; Adapt and apply the process in a flexible and innovative manner.
ID 570 Systematic Instructional Design 3 Hours
Systematic instructional design procedures to design, produce, and evaluate a unit of instruction.
ID 572 Improvement Analysis in the Workplace 3 Hours
Foundational information and activities to develop the skills necessary to be successful in completing performance systems analysis in a variety of workplace settings.
ID 575 Special Topics in Instructional Design 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
An in-depth examination of a topic of current interest and relevance to instructional design professionals.
ID 577 Management of Instructional Systems 3 Hours
Management of all phases of instructional development projects, including planning, team selection and building, scheduling, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluating. Emphasizes practical skill development and the use of management tools and systems.
ID 583 Training Design and Development 3 Hours
Production of training materials in a variety of settings. Design, develop and conduct formative evaluation of a training session for an external client.
ID 585 Distance Education Opportunities and Challenges 3 Hours
Critical concepts, issues, technologies, and models of distance education. Explores the design and technologies of quality interactive education at a distance.
ID 587 Trends and Issues in Instructional Design 3 Hours
History of instructional design, major contributors, ID theorists, issues and trends likely to impact the field, and professional organizations.
ID 588 Multimedia Design 3 Hours
Application of multimedia design principles in educational and training settings. Students will design and develop a multimedia instructional or training module for business and industry, government, military, P-12, and higher educational institutions.
ID 590 Practicum in Instructional Design 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Supervised, field-based, practical experience for students within the ID program.
ID 595 Internship in Instructional Design 3 Hours
Supervised, field-based internship under an appropriate field-based supervisor and faculty member in an approved setting. Development and application of an authentic professional quality product and professional portfolio will be the capstone project. Note: Completion of all of the required courses, at least 24 semester hours of program course work, and admission to candidacy required.
ECE 423G Interdisciplinary Services for Young Children with Low Incidence Disabilities 3 Hours
Characteristics of children birth through five years with low incidence disabilities (e.g. autism, sensory impairments, physical impairments), as well as assessment and instructional strategies. The role of the transdisciplinary team, including family members, in providing services will be emphasized. Field experience is required. Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation.
IECE 520 Organizing Programs for Early Childhood Special Education 3 Hours
Rationale for IECE (B-5), service delivery options, teaming issues, and atypical development specific to sensory, physical and cognitive disabilities. Thirty clock hours field experiences required.
IECE 521 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education 3 Hours
Assessment process specific to children B-5, both with and without disabilities, and their families. Thirty clock hours field experiences required.
IECE 522 Family-Focused Services 3 Hours
Students apply family systems theory to family assessment, the development of family plans, and the implementation-evaluation of family-centered services. Thirty hours of field experiences are required.
IECE 523 Planning Curriculum and Instruction in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 3 Hours
Planning, designing, and selecting curricula, including learning environments and instruction, for children birth through kindergarten, both with and without disabilities, and their families. Field experience is required. Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation.
IECE 524 Internship in Early Childhood Special Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Supervised work with children B-5, both with and without disabilities, and their families.
IECE 525 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
In-depth reading, investigation, and discussion of current research, issues, and/or trends in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education.
IECE 526 Practicum in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 1 Hour (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Practical application in clinical settings of critical skills for interdisciplinary early childhood educators. Students are responsible for transportation to assigned sites.
IECE 530 Advanced IECE Curriculum Development 3 Hours
Advanced curriculum and program development for children birth through 5 years of age in schools, centers, or home settings, including collaboration with families and professionals, continuous assessment, and program evaluation. Field experiences required.
IECE 550 Advanced Early Childhood Assessment 3 Hours
Identification and diagnostic procedures for developmental delay and at-risk conditions in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Continuous assessment of children's developmental, instructional, behavioral, and environmental needs; evaluation of effectiveness of services and family involvement. Field experience required.
KIN 501 Research Methods in Kinesiology 3 Hours
An examination of the methods, materials, techniques, and planning of research studies used and conducted in the various disciplines of kinesiology. (To be taken in the first term of enrollment.)
KIN 503 Advanced Motor Learning and Control 3 Hours
Theories and principles of learning as they apply to the acquisition of gross motor skills. Emphasizes the interpretation and practical application of experimental data.
KIN 504 Advanced Exercise Physiology 3 Hours
A comprehensive study of the acute responses and chronic adaptations resulting from exercise or other stressors on the physiological function of the human body. Particular attention will be given to applied learning, as well as to review and critique current research.
KIN 512 Advanced Strength & Conditioning 3 Hours
Designed to develop advanced knowledge of strength and conditioning principles and practices. The aim of the course is to understand the process behind development, implementation, and evaluation of strength and conditioning programs for elite, collegiate, high school, and/or recreational athletic populations. The course will include professional writing and a hands-on learning component with professionals in the field of strength & conditioning.
KIN 514 Lab Methods in Exercise Physiology 3 Hours
Theory and application of laboratory techniques germane to research in Exercise Physiology. Includes musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, metabolic, and human performance testing.
KIN 518 Advanced Statistics in Kinesiology 3 Hours
Study and application of statistical techniques commonly used in kinesiology research. Includes regression modeling, single and multifactor analysis of variance, and repeated measures designs.
KIN 522 Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription 3 Hours
Focuses on the use of exercise in the treatment and diagnosis of various major disease states. Provides the student with an advanced understanding of electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, interpretation, graded exercise testing, blood pressure measurement, interviewing skills, screening, risk stratification, and pharmacology. Emphasizes exercise prescription for clinical populations, such as those with endocrinological/metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and neuromuscular disorders.
KIN 523 Seminar in Exercise Physiology 3 Hours
Advanced study of contemporary knowledge and current professional research centering on various selected topics to the field of exercise science.
KIN 524 Applied Biomechanics 3 Hours
Advanced study of the mechanical, neuromuscular, and anatomical bases of human movement.
LITE 501 Program Organization 3 Hours
Organization of the school library program to support the educational goals of the school and student learning. Includes organization of libraries, informatics, and technology.
LITE 506 Organization of Information 3 Hours
Classification, descriptive and subject cataloging for various formats of information and sources. Emphasis on organization of information in the school library.
LITE 508 Informatics in Education 3 Hours
Information sources and services in school library media centers. Emphasis on the study and practice of creating, storing, finding, manipulating, analyzing, evaluating, and sharing information. Emphasis on use of informatics research methods in education.
LITE 512 Issues in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education 3 Hours
Analysis of issues in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education. Attention to legal issues like intellectual freedom, censorship, and information access.
LITE 518 Advanced Children's Literature and Collections 3 Hours
Advanced study of literature to meet the needs of children including outstanding authors, illustrators, and current topical issues. Emphasis on children's literature collections development and management in libraries.
LITE 527 Advanced Young Adult Literature and Collections 3 Hours
Advanced, thematic examination of literary genres and non-print media appropriate for young adults, ages 12-18. Includes management and service components for effective young adult literature programs. Emphasis on young adult literature collections development and management in libraries.
LITE 535 Survey of Educational Technology Practices 3 Hours
Focus on instructional design and communication models appropriate to effective utilization of multimedia for instruction and training. Application of various multimedia to design, produce, and evaluate instructional/training projects.
LITE 537 Principles of Educational Technology Applications 3 Hours
Uses of technology for instruction and instructional management. Emphasis on instructional techniques, evaluation and utilization of appropriate instructional software, productivity tools, and the internet for various subjects, grade levels, and needs of diverse learners.
LITE 545 Educational Technology Production 3 Hours
Product design and production techniques for education and training. Utilization of various software and hardware configurations to produce electronic prototypes.
LITE 547 Integration of Educational Technology 3 Hours
Application of principles of instructional design to the integration of technology into education and training programs.
LITE 550 Emerging Technology in Education 3 Hours
Survey of new and significant technology developments and integration strategies in education; research on applications and their effectiveness on P-12 pupil learning; application of new technologies to design, produce, and assess P-12 learning.
LITE 590 Practicum in Libraries, Informatics, and Technology in Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Field based experience in an appropriate setting under a certified library media specialist or a qualified technology coordinator.
LME 407G Literature/Young Adults 3 Hours
Selection and evaluation of materials, reading guidance, and programming for young people, adolescence through young adult.
LME 409G Selected Topics 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Problematic study of a selected topic under the direction of a faculty member. A formal research paper or annotated bibliography is required.
LME 410G Storytelling 3 Hours
Storytelling literature, story selection and sources. Practice in oral communication.
LME 411G Creative Media Experiences for Children 3 Hours
Methods and procedures for developing creativity in children. The design and evaluation of materials and activities in a variety of media formats for school and library settings. Includes program development.
LME 445G Introduction Educational Technology 3 Hours
Instruction and laboratory experiences in the basic theory and application of educational technology to the design, production, evaluation, and utilization of various communication media formats.
LME 448G Technology Applications in Education 3 Hours
Uses of technology in education for instruction and instructional management. Emphasis on evaluation and utilization of appropriate software and hardware.
LME 475G Workshop 1-3 Hours
Workshop classes of variable content focused on library media practice and integration of educational technology.
LME 502 Collection Management 3 Hours
Principles of collection management to meet the needs of the school library media program. Evaluation, selection and acquisition of print, non-print and electronic resources. Examination and development of collection policies and procedures, including acceptable use policies and copyright.
LME 509 Investigations in Educational Technology 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
The completion of a formal research study in educational technology or the creation of an educational technology prototype under the supervision of a faculty member.
LME 519 Special Topics in Educational Technology 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Special topics in the field of educational technology.
LME 589 Field Experience in Library Media Education 3 Hours
Field experience in an appropriate setting under supervision of a certified library media specialist for LME students seeking initial Kentucky teaching certification in school library media at the graduate level. Note: Admission to professional education required.
LME 591 Advanced Practicum in Library Media Education 1 Hour
Field-based experience in an appropriate setting under a certified library media specialist. Note: Admission to professional education required.
LME 592 Internship in Library Media Education 3 Hours
Field based experience in an appropriate setting under supervision of a certified library media specialist. For students seeking initial Kentucky teaching certification at the graduate level. Note: Completion of 24 hours of coursework and admission to professional education required.
LME 599 Thesis Research/Writing 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
LME 600 Maintain Matriculation 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
LTCY 500 Fundamentals of Reading and Related Language Arts 3 Hours
A survey of models of the reading process, research on oral and written language development, and significant approaches to reading instruction. Provides instruction for fundamental understanding of the theoretical rationale of the reading and related language arts processes. Note: Course is not appropriate for certified teachers and does not count toward the MAE in Literacy Education.
LTCY 501 Reading and Writing for Learning 3 Hours
Instruction in the ways reading and writing are interrelated processes, facilitate learning from print, and woven together to better prepare students for the critical reading, critical thinking, and writing expectations of college and career. Note: Course is not appropriate for certified teachers and does not count toward the MAE in Literacy Education.
LTCY 502 Differentiating Literacy Instruction 3 Hours
Exploration of differentiated literacy instruction focusing on modification of instructional content, process, assessment, and student product to meet the needs of all learners. Note: Course is not appropriate for certified teachers and does not count toward the MAE in Literacy Education.
LTCY 503 Assessment and Evaluation of Reading and Writing 3 Hours
An introduction to assessment and evaluation of readers and writers. Includes experience in reviewing, matching, and administering assessments. Using data to inform instruction, including formative and summative assessments. Note: Course in not appropriate for certified teachers and does not count toward the MAE in Literacy Education.
LTCY 504 Strategy-Based Reading and Writing Intervention 3 Hours
Job-embedded (field work) to design and implement instructional techniques for use with individuals or groups experiencing difficulty with literacy skills. Emphasis on tutorial and small group applications. Note: Course is not appropriate for certified teachers and does not count toward the MAE in Literacy Education.
LTCY 505 Job-Embedded Literacy Methods 3 Hours
Job-embedded integration of literacy methods and practices within a community or technical college or other instructor approved educational setting outside P-12 designed to prepare students to provide sound reading assessment and instruction for literacy learners. Note: Course must be completed in the last semester before completion of the Literacy in Post-Secondary Settings certificate. Students are responsible for own transportation to designated sites.
LTCY 510 Methods of Teaching Literacy to Adolescents 3 Hours
Theoretical foundation and current best practices for literacy instruction. Emphasis on literacy lesson and unit planning. Field experiences are required; students are responsible for own transportation.
LTCY 515 Socio-Cognitive Theories of Comprehension 3 Hours
A study of cognitive, linguistic, and sociocultural factors that affect comprehension, including native language, how comprehension works, and how people make sense of print cues and visual cues by understanding the comprehension process from various theoretical stance..
LTCY 518 Literacy Learning and Technology 3 Hours
Survey of use of technology to promote the development of reading, writing, and teaching and learning via electronic formats. Topics include integration of technology into literacy instruction that supports diverse literacy learners and designing appropriate reading and language arts technology-based projects for literacy learners.
LTCY 519 Literacy Development and Instruction 3 Hours
Investigation into the development of reading and writing in young children, instructional strategies for emergent and developing literacy including practices related to phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, invented spelling, writing traits, process and development.
LTCY 520 Clinical Diagnosis of Reading Variability 3 Hours
The nature and causes of reading disabilities and investigation of general and specific principles and approaches to diagnosis. Actual case studies using both group and individual tests in diagnosis.
LTCY 521 Reading Intervention 3 Hours
Instructional techniques for use with individuals or groups involved in remedial reading instruction; materials and procedures; clinical experiences with remedial students.
LTCY 522 Investigations in Reading 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Individual investigation of the research and descriptive literature in the field of reading.
LTCY 523 Assessment and Intervention of Reading and Writing 3 Hours
Emphasizes practical methods of reading and writing appraisal, diagnostic procedures, and materials essential for developing teaching strategies in reading instruction for P-12 learners.
LTCY 524 Content Area and Disciplinary Literacy 3 Hours
Reading and study skills strategies and techniques to increase student achievement in content-area classes. Discussion of disciplinary literacy in various fields will also be addressed.
LTCY 527 Diversity and Equity in Literacy Education 3 Hours
Introduction to social factors, cultural factors, and aspects of language that affect teaching and learning of literacy, particularly in reading, writing, and the language arts; application of multicultural perspectives and culturally responsive instruction to curriculum development and classroom literacy practices.
LTCY 528 Literacy Research Methods and Evaluation 3 Hours
Investigation and critical analysis of literacy research and theory, and completion of literacy related-research project.
LTCY 530 Literacy Development for Multilingual Learners 3 Hours
In the context of first and second language development across the lifespan, this course focuses on the acquisition of literacy by young children, examines best practices in the teaching of literacy in both elementary and secondary settings, and offers a deep investigation into the relationship between language and literacy acquisition.
LTCY 532 Literacy Leadership and Coaching 3 Hours
A course intended for advanced literacy professionals to learn best practices for providing professional learning opportunities in the work place, developing professional learning communities, leading in school-wide literacy development, and developing the skills of peers and experienced colleagues in the field of literacy.
LTCY 599 Thesis Research and Writing 3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
LTCY 600 Maintain Matriculation 1 Hour (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
LTCY 624 Seminar in Literacy Issues and Trends 3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)
Study of literacy research focusing on issues and trends within the discipline of literacy education. No more than 6 hours may be counted toward the MAE-Literacy Education program.
LTCY 695 Practicum for Literacy Professionals 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
In-depth practice in the literacy coaching of colleagues in the education profession.
MGE 534 Seminar in Mathematics Education 3 Hours
Covers newer concepts in curriculum and methods of instruction, current research and problems in mathematics education.
MGE 545 Investigations in Classroom Teaching 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Opportunity for middle school teachers to engage in concentrated study of specific problems and/or development of specific skills related to effective classroom instruction.
MGE 570 Workshop - Workshop in Middle School Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Activity-centered on a relevant area of study.
MGE 571 Middle Grades Curriculum 3 Hours
Examination of programs designed for the young adolescent. Functions, organizations, planning, and evaluation of the curriculum. Includes special curricular areas.
MUS 500 Theory Seminar 3 Hours
Study and application of analytical techniques as they apply to the formal structure of music.
MUS 509 Music Curriculum in the Elementary and Middle Schools 3 Hours
Includes advanced study of contemporary elementary music education trends, methodologies, instructional techniques, and materials. Expands contemporary instructional methods.
MUS 511 Research Methods in Music 3 Hours
The philosophical, historical and experimental research methods in music/music education and their application within 21st century teaching-learning contexts.
MUS 512 Music Education Workshop 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A variable topic workshop.
MUS 513 Independent Directed Study/Music Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 12 hrs)
Research projects in music education.
MUS 514 Secondary Music Curriculum 3 Hours
Includes advanced study of 21st century music education curriculum, instruction, assessment, and research-based practices applicable for teaching junior and senior high school performing and non-performing courses. Classroom managment strategies and use of multiple modes of technology applicable for teaching and assessing music will be addressed.
MUS 517 Arts/Humanities for P-5 Instruction 3 Hours
Developmentally appropriate dance, drama/theatre, music, and visual art content (structural elements and purposes) and artisitic processes (skills inherent within each art form) within the context of humanities (historical periods and multi-cultures), culminating in the design of interdisciplinary arts units for P-5 instruction.
MUS 518 Advanced Conducting 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Course designed to sharpen and enhance skills as an ensemble conductor. Emphasis on specific conducting problems, rehearsal techniques and score study.
MUS 519 Conducting Seminar 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A survey of topics and materials related to the analytical and pedagogical aspects of instrumental or choral conducting.
MUS 520 Advanced Pedagogy 3 Hours
In-depth study and application of pedagogical principles for the applied music teacher in a private studio setting.
MUS 525 Music and the Human Experience 3 Hours
An investigation and study of the art of music encompassing the historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological tenets of the discipline.
MUS 530 Music Literature 3 Hours
Investigation of a specialized area not covered in other music literature courses.
MUS 538 Independent Directed Study/Theory-Literature 3 Hours
Supervised private research culminating in a scholarly paper.
MUS 540 Choral Union 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 541 University Choir 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 544 University Orchestra 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 545 Chamber Singers 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 547 Marching Band 1 Hour
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 548 Band 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are an elective and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 549 Chamber Music 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Students enrolled in this course have attained considerable ability as a performer and must audition. This course can include all types of instrumental and choral chamber music literature.
MUS 550 Applied Music Secondary 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Applied study intended for beginners and requires no audition.
MUS 553 Applied Music Principal 2 Hours (repeatable max of 8 hrs)
Applied study assumes graduate-level proficiency.
MUS 571 Jazz Ensemble 1 Hour (repeatable max of 4 hrs)
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are electives and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 574 Opera Theatre 1 Hour
Performing ensembles are open to the entire campus community and most require an audition prior to membership. Specific ensembles are electives and require advisor approval for music degrees.
MUS 625 Graduate Capstone Project 3 Hours
Independent study and preparation for the graduate capstone project in music education, conducting, or pedagogy.
PH 443G Health Problems of the Aged 3 Hours
Covers ecological factors affecting human health and longevity, current health problems, and research on health and disease as they relate to the aged.
PH 444G Death Education 3 Hours
Man's relationship to death and dying, coming to terms with eventual death, coping with death of loved ones and with fear of death. Includes suicide prevention. Note: Field trips are required. Three hours of social or behavioral science required.
PH 447G Human Values/Health Sciences 3 Hours
Analysis of the difficult ethical, legal, and social dilemmas confronting the health care delivery system, patients, medical practitioners, and other health care professionals in contemporary American society. Note: Appropriate background in the social, behavioral, biological, or allied health sciences required.
PH 450G Rural Health and Safety 3 Hours
Students will explore a variety of health and safety issues unique to rural populations. The interdisciplinary team concept will be used throughout the course to foster collaboration that facilitates sharing of the expertise of the students and faculty. One Saturday meeting will be required for a team building activity.
PH 461G Comprehensive School Health Program 3 Hours
Examination and application of the components of the comprehensive school health program. Discussion of the role of administrators, teachers, counselors and health service personnel in conducting, coordinating and evaluating the comprehensive school health program. Includes visitation in public schools.
PH 465G Health/Safety/Elementary School 3 Hours
Nature and purpose of school health and safety in the elementary school, including curriculum development, instructional content areas, appraising students' health, and evaluation.
PH 467G Drug Abuse Education 3 Hours
A drug abuse education and prevention course designed to provide current and documented information about abused substances. Includes study of the development, implementation and evaluation of drug prevention programs in the home, school, community and workplace.
PH 468G Sexuality Education 3 Hours
Emphasis in this course is on planning, implementation and evaluation of school and community sexuality education programs. Health and policy issues which affect sexuality and sexual behavior are addressed along with analysis of contemporary health issues with sexual dimensions.
PH 501 Research Methods 3 Hours
Methods, materials, techniques, and planning of research studies used and conducted by the profession.
PH 520 Biostatistics for Public Health 3 Hours
Application of statistical theory and principles in public health and related disciplines. Emphasis is placed on developing and testing hypotheses, utilizing appropriate statistical methodology, and the use of appropriate technology.
PH 530 Selected Topics/Independent Study 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
With faculty guidance, students select and explore a topic of interest in public health.
PH 548 Community Organizing in Public Health 3 Hours
Application of strategies and skills to address underlying social, political, and economic factors that affect public health, including policy-making, community organization and mobilization, leadership, advocacy, negotiation, and communication.
PH 564 Public Health Issues in Women's Health 3 Hours
Examines social, economic, environmental, behavioral and political factors that influence women's health, as viewed from a public health perspective.
PH 567 Admn Compr School Health Program 3 Hours
Management and coordination of policies, procedures, activities and resources designed to promote and protect the health and well being of students and staff. Includes administration of family resource and youth service centers, and coordination of school health education, healthful environment, and health services.
PH 568 Public Health Approaches to STD/HIV Prevention 3 Hours
A study of the most common sexually transmitted infections, including infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, and their complications, with special emphasis on prevention and control. Topics include STI/HIV counseling and testing, partner notification, and the development of educational interventions for target populations.
PH 572 Practice of Drug Abuse Prevention 3 Hours
Examines the epidemiology of the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. In addition, there will be in-depth study of relevant prevention science as applied to school and community settings. The course will be a didactic presentation of material, with substantial engagement activities for students.
PH 575 Program Planning in Public Health Practice 3 Hours
Methods of assessing population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities' health and translating findings into designing a population-based program, project, or intervention.
PH 576 Public Health Education and Communication Techniques 3 Hours
Provide concepts and skills in using education and communication techniques in public health promotion programs. Discuss policy advocacy and principles of effectively interacting with community constituents influential in health promotion programs.
PH 578 Health Inequities 3 Hours
Analysis of social, economic, and political structures that create health inequities in marginalized and minority populations. Application to program planning and policy analysis.
PH 581 Applied Methods in Public Health Practice/Field Epidemiology 3 Hours
Application of methods, tools, and techniques utilized by public health practitioners and other related professionals to identify, develop, and assess population-based interventions and outbreak investigations.
PH 582 Epidemiology 3 Hours
Apply epidemiological methods to settings and situations in public health practice. Emphasizes problem solving and interpretation.
PH 583 Public Health Administration 3 Hours
Advanced concepts of organization, administration and management of public health agencies and programs.
PH 585 Global Health 3 Hours
Analysis of current issues in global health and strategies to address them.
PH 586 Violence Prevention 3 Hours
An examination of the nature and extent of family, school and community violence, the psychosocial and biological roots, past efforts to prevent and control violence, and principals of violence prevention.
PH 587 Health Behavior Theory 3 Hours
Applications of concepts and theories used in social and behavioral sciences to identify and conceptualize interventions to public health problems.
PH 591 Health Program Evaluation 3 Hours
Application of methods and techniques to evaluate public health programs.
PH 620 Advanced Biostatistics 3 Hours
Advanced techniques to analyze and interpret quantitative data and make inferences for public health practice.
PS 500 Workshops in Public Administration 1.5 Hour (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Emphasizes important and changing topics relevant to people working in the public, not-for-profit and private sectors. The course will make use of practitioners in a variety of settings (local, state, federal) to bring important information to students who can apply what they have learned in their own job settings. Course topics will vary by semester and will include grant writing, strategic planning, lobbying, and others.
PS 501 Research Methods in Public Administration 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Analysis and description of the logic and procedures necessary for valid political inquiry.
PS 510 Problems in National Government 3 Hours
Research, reports, and discussion of selected aspects of national government.
PS 511 Seminar in State and Local US Government 3 Hours
Selected problems of state governments and their sub-units.
PS 512 Kentucky Government and Politics 3 Hours
This course will trace the role and influence of various political and social institutions in the state's political development and their implications for the current political and governmental situation.
PS 520 Elements of Public Administration 3 Hours
Introductory survey of governmental administration; emphasizes relationships between political issues and the practice of administration in all areas of the public sector.
PS 524 Administrative Law 3 Hours
A study of the development of and trends in administrative law with emphasis on the problems caused by the exercise of quasi legislative and quasi judicial powers by administrative agencies.
PS 526 Local Government Administration 3 Hours
Provides a foundation and understanding of local government administration for students and future practitioners in public administration.
PS 528 Civic Engagement and E-Governance 3 Hours
Provides a foundation and understanding of civic engagement and e-governance for students and future practitioners in public administration.
PS 530 Public Sector Organizations 3 Hours
Analysis of behavior and problems of public organizations in democratic environments. Links societal values to administrative structure and behavior.
PS 538 Public Service Ethics 3 Hours
Examines the ethical side of public decision making and the values or ends the American political system is designed to promote and protect.
PS 541 Human Resources Management in Public Administration 3 Hours
A systematic survey of public personnel administration in the U.S. Discusses the development of modern personnel systems in the public sector and emphasizes contemporary trends at the state and local level as well as the national level of government.
PS 542 Public & Nonprofit Budgeting 3 Hours
A study of the financial administration process of government with emphasis on local government. Subjects covered range from budgeting to risk management.
PS 543 Politics/Administration/Rural Communities 3 Hours
A study of political and administrative institutions, processes, and issues associated with local governments in rural communities.
PS 549 Special Problems in Public Administration 3 Hours
Seminar approach to contemporary problems in public organizations reflecting political/managerial developments; topics reflect both student and professional needs.
PS 550 Cultural Competencies for Public Administrators 3 Hours
Provides a specific set of skills so that practitioners in public administration can communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry; course will focus specifically on developing an understanding of different cultures and provide needed skills to administer policy and deliver services for the communities practitioners serve.
PS 554 Cross-Sector Collaboration & Conflict 3 Hours
Course explores the importance of intersectoral relationships (between the public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors) to good public governance.
PS 560 Public Policy Theory 3 Hours
Theoretical approaches to the analysis of public policy, policy-making, and policy implementation and to such topics as health and welfare, poverty, education, and urban affairs.
PS 562 Public Policy Implementation & Evaluation 3 Hours
Seminar examining the various approaches and techniques for evaluating public programs.
PS 564 Nonprofits & Public Policy 3 Hours
Exploration of the connections between nonprofit organizations and public policy; course examines ways nonprofits make policy, are affected by policy, influence policy, and are subject to policy.
PS 566 Environmental Politics & Public Policy 3 Hours
Course explores the politics surrounding the creation, implementation, and evaluation of environmental policy.
PS 580 Independent Directed Study 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Faculty guidance of student research in one or more selected fields of political science.
PS 595 Washington Internship and Seminar 3 Hours
An individualized internship and/or seminar experience in Washington, D.C. tailored to the student's area of interest. Placement is determined by the department academic advisor in collaboration with Washington professionals..
PS 597 Professional Seminar in Public Administration 3 Hours
Principles and techniques in the practice of public administration. Case studies and contact with field professionals will be emphasized.
PS 598 Internship in Public Administration 3 Hours
Work experience in a public sector or non-profit agency combined with faculty direction.
RSA 501 Research Methods in Recreation and Sport 3 Hours
Research terminology, design, methods, data analysis, and manuscript preparation in recreation and sport.
RSA 513 Recreation and Sport Administration 3 Hours
Leadership and management of recreation and sport agencies with emphases on strategic planning, policy, human resources, programming, governance, and organizational behavior and culture.
RSA 515 Recreation and Sport Facility Development 3 Hours
Facility development process with emphasis on the unique features of many different types of facilities. Field experiences required. Students are responsible for their own transportation to off campus meetings. University transportation provided when possible.
RSA 517 Legal Issues in Recreation and Sport 3 Hours
Legal systems, legal concepts, and landmark cases influencing the recreation and sport industry.
RSA 519 Fiscal Practices in Recreation and Sport 3 Hours
Financial principles and practices relevant in recreation settings. Topics include economic principles, financial management and organization, income sources, fundraising, pricing, and budgeting.
RSA 521 Public Relations in Recreation and Sport 3 Hours
Specialized application of effective communication techniques for building relationships with internal and external constituencies that support marketing from the general practice of public relations.
RSA 523 Theoretical Foundations of Recreation and Sport 3 Hours
Philosophy, theory, and ethics of recreation and sport, including current professional trends in the field.
RSA 538 Facility and Event Security Management 3 Hours
Emphasis on efficient methods of security management in the recreation and sport (facility and event) industry, with a focus on an interagency approach.
RSA 542 Investigation of Current Interscholastic Athletics Issues 3 Hours
A capstone experience for the concentration in IAA that will involve an in depth investigation of the various issues addressed throughout this program of study. Does not count toward certification of rank change in Kentucky.
RSA 543 Sports Medicine Administration for Interscholastic Athletics 3 Hours
An in-depth study of the many issues administrators and coaches face in supporting and developing an interscholastic sports medicine program within a school or school district. Does not count towards certification or rank change in Kentucky.
RSA 556 Governance in Intercollegiate Athletics 3 Hours
Provides for a thorough examination of intercollegiate athletics governing bodies (i.e., NCAA, NAIA, NAAC, NJCAA). Emphasis placed upon governing hierarchy, responsibilities of individual institutions, conference affiliations, and membership requirements.
RSA 558 Compliance in Intercollegiate Athletics 3 Hours
Provides an in-depth analysis of NCAA rules and regulations relating to intercollegiate athletics. Topics include ethical conduct, employment issues, amateurism, recruiting, eligibility (academic and general requirements), financial aid, awards and benefits, playing and practice schedules, and enforcement.
SEC 445G Introduction Education Technology 3 Hours
Instruction and laboratory experiences in the basic theory and application of educational technology to the design, production, evaluation, and utilization of various media.
SEC 528 Seminar in the Teaching of Secretarial Subjects 3 Hours
Materials, methods, techniques, and devices for teaching typewriting, shorthand, and the related skilled subjects. Review and application of research findings to this area.
SEC 529 Teaching Bookkeeping 3 Hours
Purposes, materials, methods, and techniques for teaching bookkeeping and basic business. Review and application of research findings to this area.
SEC 534 Seminar in Mathematics Education 3 Hours
Covers newer concepts in curriculum and methods of instruction, current research and problems in mathematics education.
SEC 535 Seminar in Music Education 3 Hours
Historical, philosophical and psychological foundations of music education; application of the principles of education to the music program. Emphasis on current trends in education thought and their implications for instruction, supervision, administration, and evaluation in music education.
SEC 537 Seminar in Science Education 3 Hours
Includes the history and comparative study of science teaching, curriculum and course content changes, materials available, evaluation, methods in science teaching, professional organizations, and research in science education.
SEC 538 Seminar in Social Studies Education 3 Hours
Covers newer concepts in curriculum and methods of instruction as well as current research in social studies education.
SEC 539 Seminar in Agriculture Education 3 Hours
Current problems in the organization, teaching supervision, administration, and evaluation of agricultural education programs. Investigation, papers, and reports.
SEC 545 Investigations in Classroom Teaching 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)
Opportunity for secondary teachers to engage in the concentrated study of specific problems and/or the development of specific skills related to effective classroom instruction.
SEC 546 Seminar in English Language Arts Methods 3 Hours
Develops the skills, procedures, and strategies for teaching English and Language Arts in secondary school. Field experiences in public schools and/or other appropriate settings away from campus are required in this course. Note: Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.
SEC 570 Workshop - Secondary Education 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
No course description is available
SEC 573 Methods of Teaching Business and Marketing Education 3 Hours
Develops the skills, procedures, and strategies for teaching business and marketing education in the middle and secondary school. Field experiences in public schools and/or other appropriate settings away from campus are required in this course. Note: Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites. Note: Admission to professional education required.
SEC 580 Curriculum 3 Hours
Philosophy, principles and practices of curriculum improvement.
SEC 600 Maintain Matriculation 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
SEC 699 Specialist Project 1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Specialist project research and writing directed by faculty committee.
SMED 501 Designing Instructional Sequences in Secondary Math and Science 3 Hours
Theory and practice of designing and delivering high quality inquiry-based math & science instruction. Students explore and practice the guided inquiry process, create lesson plans, and implement lessons with secondary students. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program required.
SMED 510 Advanced Topics in Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science 3 Hours
Exploration of essential questions specifically relevant to teaching mathematics and science. Standards for knowing how they are used, how knowing and learning are structured, and how what is known changes and develops. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program required.
SMED 520 Management for Positive Learning Environments 3 Hours
Application of learning theories in instructional settings with diverse student populations. Emphasizes proactive, positive classroom management for teaching and learning. Fieldwork required; students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to sites. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program required.
SMED 530 Literacy Support for Diverse Learners in Mathematics and Science 3 Hours
Designing literacy instruction for diverse learners in mathematics and science. Note: Successful completion of at least one graduate SMED course required.
SMED 560 Developing Professional Learning Communities for Instructional Improvement 3 Hours
Students form secondary professional learning communities with Mentor and Master Teachers and analyze student performance data to improve teaching/learning. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program required.
SMED 589 Science and Mathematics Education Internship Seminar 3 Hours
Connects theory to practice by helping students complete teaching tasks that demonstrate performance related to Kentucky's New Teacher Standards.
SMED 590 Teaching Internship 8 Hours
Supervised student teaching experience across fall and spring semesters in assigned off-campus site. Students are responsible for their own transportation to off-campus site. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program, Teacher Education, and student teaching required.
SMED 620 Collaborative Research to Improve Mathematics and Science Teaching 3 Hours
Development of skills needed to design and develop a data based action research project to be implemented during the semester. Note: Admission to GSKyTeach program required.
SMED 630 Action Research Seminar 1 Hour
Students present results of instructional innovation and develop conclusions about practice or process implemented in secondary math or science classroom.
SPED 501 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 3 Hours
This course provides an introduction to the concepts, theories and principles of applied behavior analysis
SPED 502 Positive Behavior Supports 3 Hours
This class will focus on methods and models of positive behavior management in group settings for school-aged learners with behavior problems.
SPED 503 Behavior Assessment 3 Hours
This class will focus on how to accurately define, assess and measure behavior and learn how to conduct a function-based assessment.
SPED 504 Instruction to Improve Behavior 3 Hours
This course examines how evidence-based instructional practices can be used to improve academics, social skills, functional skills, and behaviors.
Recent Term(s) Offered: None
SPED 505 Ethics Surrounding Behavior Issues 3 Hours
This course examines legislation, regulations, court decisions, and ethical standards that impact practice in schools and other agencies for school-age learners with behavior problems.
SPED 515 Introduction to Special Education 3 Hours
Introductory course for initial certification in special or general education. Disability categories, basic special education framework and learning theories introduced.
SPED 516 The Exceptional Child: Perspectives and Issues 3 Hours
Focus is on the characteristics, priorities, resources and issues of children who are disabled, delayed or gifted and their families. Emphasis is on current results of research and perspectives on today's children, families, schools and communities. Descriptions, issues and techniques for each area of exceptionality including learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, mentally challenged, autism, giftedness, physically challenged, health concerns, communication disorders, hearing loss, blindness or low vision, and traumatic brain injury will be included.
SPED 517 Transition Services and Programs for Individuals with Disabilities 3 Hours
Transition planning for individuals with disabilities. Interagency collaboration, vocational assessment, and life-skills competencies within the general curriculum are addressed.
SPED 518 Seminar: Contemporary Challenges in Special Education 3 Hours
Issues in special education. Classroom experiences to develop awareness and sensitivity to educational needs. Note: Minimum of 12 hours of graduate level coursework in exceptional education required.
SPED 523 Curriculum/Methods in Early Childhood Special Education 3 Hours
Selection/development of curricula materials for planning, implementation, and evaluation of intervention with children P-5 who have disabilities.
SPED 525 Intervention Support for Students with Dyslexia and Other Reading Disabilities 3 Hours
Characteristics of dyslexia and related learning disabilities with emphasis on assessment and data-driven decision making to design specialized, research-based instruction.
SPED 529 Assessment of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities 3 Hours
Assessment needs for functional skills across school, home, and community promoting increased independence of students with moderate to severe disabilities. Course includes reading individual psychology reports to working with parents as essential partners in assessing student needs and creating program goals. Field hours required.
SPED 530 Advanced Assessment of Students with Disabilities in General Education 3 Hours
Development of competencies in selecting, designing, interpreting, and administering various assessment techniques for students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., learning and behavior disorders).
SPED 531 Data-Based Individualization in Special Education 3 Hours
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to monitor and interpret academic progress, make instructional decisions, and set goals for individual students based on data gathered from the DBI process.
SPED 532 Families, Professionals and Exceptionalities 3 Hours
Interpreting programs for individuals with disabilities to maximize family involvement. Emphasizes the attitudes, skills, and knowledge taught in the educational program.
SPED 533 Seminar: Curriculum for Learning and Behavior Disorders 3 Hours
Development, adaptation, and evaluation of curricula, methods, materials, and resources. Implementing and evaluating instructional programs for students with mild disabilities is stressed.
SPED 534 Research in Exceptional Child Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Reading, interpreting and conducting research related to students with disabilities, parents, and teachers. An independent research project is required.
SPED 535 Curriculum for Individuals with Moderate and Severe Disabilities 3 Hours
Designing and implementing instruction for learners with severe disabilities using data-driven assessment and research-based pedagogy for student with intense needs. Alternative standards, functioning life skill, and independence to the least restrictive situations are emphasized. Field work required.
SPED 590 Advanced Internship in Special Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Clinically supervised instructional practice in an approved setting for development of advanced skills and experience.
SPED 595 Advanced Preparation Capstone for Special Education 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A capstone course in Special Education for advanced candidates seeking an additional teacher certification area. Practice in implementing instructional skills and procedures. Field observation hours required.
SPED 599 Thesis Research and Writing 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.
SPED 600 Maintaining Matriculation 3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Continued enrollment for thesis completion.
SPED 610 Characteristics of Low Incidence Disorders 3 Hours
Comprehensive review of low incidence disabilities. Theories of causation, descriptive and diagnostic characteristics, teaching considerations, and legal and social issues. Thirty field experience hours required.
SPED 611 Advanced Capstone for Low Incidence Disabilities, DD/ASD/MSD 1-6 Hours
A capstone course in Special Education:MSD. Practice in implementing instructional skills and procedures. Field observation required.
SPED 612 Collaboration between Schools and Stakeholders for Individuals with Disabilities 3 Hours
Preparation of school leaders and teachers to work as consultants in a team model; exploration of local, state and regional agencies involved with individuals with disabilities. Supervised practicum required at designated sites.
SPED 615 Instructional Strategies for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities 3 Hours
Development of competencies and philosophies of instructional design specific to teaching students who receive special education services. Emphasis on research-based instruction strategies, planning, and classroom structures. Field hours required
SPED 618 Social Skills Instruction & Behavioral Programming for Students with Disabilities 3 Hours
Development of competencies in assessing, designing, and implementing social skills instruction and behavioral programming for students who receive special education services.
SPED 619 Assistive Technological and Communication Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 Hours
Investigation of assistive and instructional technology, as well as alternative and augmentative communication devices to implement with students with ASD and PDD. Note: Masters degree required.
SPED 620 Seminar in the Administration of Special Education 3 Hours
Current trends and issues in the administration and supervision of special education programs.
SPED 625 Practicum in the Administration of Special Education 3 Hours
Supervised practice in educational organizations for persons preparing to become a Director of Special Education.
SPED 630 Special Education Law and Finance 3 Hours
Comprehensive study of existing federal and state mandates for special education; procedural considerations (e.g., budget, legally defensible decision-making); Applied activities for future special educators (e.g., substantive applications) and district leaders (I.e., budgeting).
TCHL 500 Foundations of Teacher Leadership 3 Hours
Survey course covering foundational concepts of leadership, especially as they relate to the role of teacher leaders in P -12 settings. Includes orientation assessments leading to individualized programs for students. Note: Admission to a master's or 5th year non-degree program that leads to advanced teacher preparation required.
TCHL 520 Principles of Action Research for Teacher Leaders 3 Hours
Principles of action research as it is applied to educational settings.
TCHL 530 Curriculum Development 3 Hours
Study of curriculum design and evaluative techniques used by P-12 teachers. Covers research-based strategies for implementing integrated, differentiated curriculum. Students must have access to technology resources and/or equipment identified by instructor.
TCHL 540 Classroom Instruction: Instructional Strategies 1 Hour
Examination of research-based best practices for designing and implementing classroom instruction in diverse P-12 classroom settings.
TCHL 544 Equitable School and Community Partnerships 1 Hour
Study of school and community partnerships designed to build equitable schools for students and families resulting in increased student achievement.
TCHL 545 Classroom Instruction Strategies 3 Hours
Examination of advanced classroom instructional strategies for designing and implementing classroom instruction in diverse P-12 classroom settings resulting in increased student achievement.
TCHL 548 Classroom Instruction: Managing the Learning Environment 1 Hour
Study of classroom management principles and interventions.
TCHL 550 Student Assessment I: Fundamentals of Student Assessment 1 Hour
Develops an understanding of validity, reliability, descriptive statistics, and professional aspects of evaluating students to improve student learning.
TCHL 554 Student Assessment II: Standardized Testing 1 Hour
Examination of both national norm-referenced and state criterion-referenced tests and utilization of accountability data in planning for school improvement.
TCHL 555 School and Classroom Assessment 3 Hours
Development of advanced skills for designing classroom assessments and analyzing school/classroom assessment data.
TCHL 558 Student Assessment III: Classroom Tests and Instruments 2 Hours
Development of advanced skills for designing and creating classroom assessment instruments.
TCHL 559 Capstone Project Design for Teacher Leadership 1 Hour
Fundamental principles of designing a teacher leadership project in educational settings. Students will create a prospectus for a capstone teacher leadership project in a school setting. Note: Completion of 18 hours required.
TCHL 560 Capstone Project for Teacher Leadership 3 Hours
Fundamental principles of teacher leadership in educational settings. Students will conduct a capstone teacher leadership project in a school setting. Note: Course should be taken after completing 21 hours.