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Foster Curiosity

Your academic development in the Mahurin Honors College is meant to be both deep and broad: we want to help you extend your expertise vertically into an area of academic specialization while simultaneously expanding your knowledge and abilities horizontally across a range of disciplines and perspectives. Honors scholars regularly supplement their coursework with high-impact practices like study abroad programs, internships, community service, grants and fellowships, and senior thesis projects, among other possibilities. Honors scholars understand that academic opportunities are all around them, and sometimes the most impactful ones take place outside traditional classrooms. 

Explore the Curriculum

Curriculum requirements are based on when a scholar began in the MHC - whether as a first-year first-time scholar or as a transfer scholar through upper-level admission. Scholars also have the option to complete their curriculum with or without a thesis in their senior year. 

Scholars who enter as first-time first-year scholars follow a 28-credit hour curriculum outlined below. Scholars who join the MHC as transfers complete a shorter curriculum. Scholars will collaborate with their honors academic advisor to create a timeline to graduation that aligns with their academic and professional goals. 


Options to Fulfill Requirements

  • HON 251: Citizen & Self (3 credits)
  • Honors Lower-Division Colonnade (9 credits)
  • Honors Upper-Division Elective (3 credits)
  • Honors Upper-Division (3 credits of electives & 3 credits in major)**
  • Honors Upper-Division in Major (9 credits)
  • HON 275 or 300: Internship or Colloquium (3 credits)
  • HON 402: CET/Proposal Writing (1 credit)*
  • HON 403 & 404: CE/T Courses (6credits)**

* Proposal writing course may be replaced with a 1-hr honors elective at any level/major for scholars completing the non-thesis track of the MHC curriculum.

** These courses are taken only if the student is completing the thesis track of the MHC curriculum. 

Honors Augmentation Contract (HAC): allow MHC scholars to earn honors credit in non-honors, in-person, upper-division courses. 

Honors Practicum or Internship

Honors Research

Study Abroad Honors Credit

Honors Capstone Experience/Thesis

Graduate level work completed through a JUMP program


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 Last Modified 12/8/23