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There are three academic tracks within the Mahurin Honors College: Non-Thesis track, Capstone Experience/Thesis (CE/T) track and the 18-hour Honors in the Major track.

Scholars who complete one of these tracks and graduate with a minimum 3.2 GPA are designated as “Mahurin Honors College” graduates on their final transcripts. Graduates receive distinctive medallions to be worn at Commencement.

Scholars may change from non-thesis track to thesis track, or vice versa, through their MHC advisor.


Non-Thesis Route   Thesis Route



  • Proposal Writing Course may be replaced with a 1-hour honors elective in any level/major.

Curriculum Questions?

E Myo ZinE Myo Zin
Academic Advisor for CHHS and OCSE




Morgan FlanaganMorgan Flanagan
Academic Advisor for CEBS, GFCB, and PCAL



For any questions, contact the WKU Mahurin College Team.

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 Last Modified 8/21/24