Arrest the Fear
a series to educate, expose, and equip WKU students with knowledge and understanding related to the systematic dynamics of law enforcement
Arrest the Fear
Purpose: The purpose of the ARREST THE FEAR series is to educate, expose, and equip WKU students with knowledge and understanding related to the systematic dynamics of law enforcement. In addition, the series will teach students to build relationships with law enforcement, advocate properly, and protect themselves.
Partners include: WKU, ISEC, County/City/WKU Police Departments/individuals from Bowling Green and Warren County.
- Educate students on the judicial system and law enforcement
- Expose students to the daily operations of law enforcement and it’s officers
- Equip students with advocacy and self-defense strategies
Event: Kickoff Panel
Date: 10/28/2020
Time: 5-7PM
Location: DSU 3003-3005
Description: This event will be a non-traditional panel. Students will be placed in small groups randomly and will have the opportunity to ask police questions and learn about what they daily life of police.
Event: Art, Poetry, and Justice
Date: 10/29/2020
Time: 5-8PM
Location: 3023-3025 and 3003-3005
Description: This is a fun event to chill and distress from all the social justice conversation. Food and Vision boards will be provided
Event: Breonna Taylor Movie Showing & Election Discussion
Date: 11/4/2020
Time: 5PM
Location: DSU 3023-2025
Description: Discussion over the movie and election results
Event: Self-Defense Class w/ Tim Gray
Date: 11/5/2020
Time: 5PM
Location: 3023-3025
Description: We will provide a self-defense class. This will teach students about proper self-defense techniques.
Event: BGPD Simulator Room
Date: 11/11/2020
Time: 3-5pm. Small groups of 6
Location: BGPD office
Description: Students will have the chance to try out the BGPD simulator and Mr. Delaney will walk students through the situation.
Event: Speak to Change
(Listening Sessions for the officers)
Location: Flip grid (Online Format)
Website: https://flipgrid.com/6b78a643
Description: This will allow students a chance to speak and be heard! (Students will be allowed to post videos expressing their feelings and emotions towards everything going on.
Event: Ladies Night Out and Boys Night Out
Date: 11/18/2020
Time: 5-7PM
DSU 3003-3004 Ladies
DSU 2025 Men
Description: The men will be with the guys and the ladies will be with the ladies. They have the chance to discuss and ask any questions on a more personal level.