Discounts & Purchasing
Discounts on software, hardware, and cellular devices are available through the Information Technology Services. Please see each section below for the different types of discounts available.
WKU students and employees may receive a discount from some providers.
Personal Computer Purchasing
Technical Support Services works with Apple and Dell to maintain discount purchasing programs for faculty, staff, students and other members of the WKU community personal purchases. The programs are intended for the purchase of computers for personal use, with personal funds only.
WKU Computer Purchasing
Technical Support Services works with Apple and Dell to maintain institutional purchasing programs for the purchase of standard computers that will be owned by WKU and paid for with university funds. The recommended configurations on these sites are priced to reflect university discounts, tax exempt benefit, and are configured to meet all minimum standards for support and compatibility.
Some software is available for WKU faculty, staff and students for their personally owned computers.
Need Assistance?
The WKU ITS Service Desk is here to help. Give us a call, chat with a representative online, use the Self-Help Knowledge Base and more.