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TopperTech is a computer service center dedicated to providing seamless assistance and meeting the technological needs of WKU faculty, staff, and students. Regardless of your technology issue or question, TopperTech is your go-to destination for all things computers at WKU. Our resolution services include, but are not limited to: 

  • Walk-up technical support for WKU students & employees  (Photo ID Required)
  • Facilitate and manage laptop reservations for faculty, staff, and students
  • Installing/reinstalling operating systems and corresponding system patches and driver updates
  • Data recovery and migration services on computer hard drives and external media 
  • Diagnosing and verifying hardware issues
  • Technology consulting


Hardware Repairs 

TopperTech provides hardware repairs to WKU-owned faculty, staff, lab, and classroom computers.  

  • TopperTech does not provide hardware repairs on student owned computers. 

To check in a personally-owned device, please bring the following items to the third-floor Service Windows located in Jody Richards Hall:

  • WKU Student ID
  • Power adapter
  • Device


Student Computer Service

TopperTech provides software solutions and hardware diagnostics for student owned computers.

  • Service is available to all registered WKU students.
  • Service request must be made by device’s rightful owner.
  • Devices are serviced on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to numerous factors, it is difficult to provide an accurate turnaround time.
  • While a device is in TopperTech possession, we are not responsible for damage caused by natural disasters or other emergencies outside of our control.
  • TopperTech cannot guarantee a solution; however, in such situations information on other resolutions can be provided.
  • TopperTech is not responsible for existing blemishes or damage to a device. A physical inspection is made at check-in, and any existing damage is noted.
  • TopperTech retains data for 60 days.
  • Once a device is completed, TopperTech will notify the client via email and phone. If a device is not picked up within 30 days of the first notification, it becomes the property of TopperTech to dispose of at our discretion.


Laptop Reservation

Laptop reservations for WKU faculty, staff, and students can be made using the Connect2 Online Equipment Reservation.

Reserve Equipment


Need Assistance?

The WKU ITS Service Desk is here to help. Give us a call, chat with a representative online, use the Self-Help Knowledge Base and more.

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 Last Modified 12/4/24