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Hilltopper Portal


Illustration of the myWKU layout

Content you Need

Before you even sign in myWKU has tons of helpful information and links. Login and get even more tailored info just for you.


Illustration of a login screen

One Login

Sign in once with your WKU NetID and you have one click access to TopNet, Blackboard, TopperMail/Employee Email, and more! No need to sign in multiple times.


Illustration of a mobile myWKU layout

Mobile Ready

Take the new, mobile-friendly myWKU with you everywhere. Visit my.wku.edu from your mobile device to access all of these features.






Animation of the myWKU role selector

In addition to the Home screen, myWKU has new dashboards for both students and faculty/staff. On the Student tab, you can check grades or class schedules, while Faculty and Staff can use their dashboard to find employee services and quick links. You can access any of these 3 dashboards by selecting the tabs in the red bar at the top of the page.






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Need Assistance?

The WKU ITS Service Desk is here to help. Give us a call, chat with a representative online, use the Self-Help Knowledge Base and more.

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 Last Modified 8/5/24