Safe Computing
Welcome to the ITS Cybersecurity home for safe computing on the Internet. Here you'll find a wealth of information that will help you protect yourself from scammers, viruses, and other threats online. We hope you find the information below and in the nav bar on the right useful.
Downloading Files
Be very careful about the software and files that you download. Only download files from trusted sources. Files from untrusted sources may contain viruses or have adverse affects on your computer. Some downloaded software may also contain spyware. Spyware collects personal data about your web surfing and other habits and sends that information to advertisers or other interested third parties. Some examples of spyware carrying programs are Kazaa, Imesh, and Bearshare.
Do not download or share copyrighted files such as music or movies with out permission from the copyright owners. Copyright infringement is against university policy and state and federal law. The No Electronic Theft (NET) Act of 1997 allows for criminal prosecution of individuals who electronically copy and distribute copyrighted work, even if there is no commercial gain from doing so.
View our file sharing page for more information on using peer-to-peer programs.
System Setup
Only install files and programs that you need. Installing unneeded software uses system resources and slows your computer.
Do not enable file and print sharing on your computer. This may allow others to view or delete files that you wish to keep private. Some viruses spread through open or weakly protected shared directories. If you must enable file and print sharing, restrict access by password protecting your shares.
Faculty, staff, and Students can contact the ITS Service Desk.
Need Assistance?
The WKU ITS Service Desk is here to help. Give us a call, chat with a representative online, use the Self-Help Knowledge Base and more.