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Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscripts & Folklife Archives


Manuscript material consists chiefly of letters; diaries; account books and business papers; literary papers; political papers; church and institutional minutes; theses; land grants; court records and a variety of other documents.  Our materials concern mainly Kentucky and Kentuckians, providing details about daily life in many settings and on varied levels, but also relate to local, national and international events.

To search our manuscript collections and download finding aids that describe their contents in greater detail, search TopSCHOLAR®, WKU's online digital repository.

Folklife Archives consist of papers and projects created by WKU folk studies faculty, undergraduate and graduate students about traditional and modern folk ways including folk songs, folk beliefs, regional speech patterns, ethnographic studies, occupational folklore, community surveys and vernacular architecture.  Included is a vast archive of sound recordings in various formats of interviews, oral histories, and musical performances.

To search our folklife archives collections and download finding aids that describe their contents in greater detail, search TopSCHOLAR®, WKU's online digital repository.

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 Last Modified 5/3/24