Margie Helm & Raymond Cravens Libraries
Updated 11/20/2024
Helm-Cravens library is located on the north-east side of the main campus. Both the WKU Commons at Helm Library and Raymond Cravens Library are connected via breezeway and houses many Library collections and offers accommodations for patrons.
Accommodations include
- A computer lab is located on the fourth floor of Raymond Cravens Library
- Numerous study rooms, quiet floors, group collaboration areas located throughout Raymond Cravens Library
- Collections on art, dance, fashion, interior design, music, photography, and theatre on the second floor (Visual and Performance Arts Library) of Cravens
- Writing Center and Reference desk assistance located on the fourth floor of Raymond Cravens Library
- Countless items for circulation including computers, charging cables, books, and much more
- State-of-the-art self-serve scanning station located on the second floor of Cravens