Library Spaces
About Library Spaces
Western Kentucky University Libraries offers a wide variety of group study spaces over two locations; Raymond Cravens Library and The Commons at Helm Library. We offer individual study locations throughout both libraries that is first-come, first-serve basis. The Libraries also offers classrooms that can be reserved by faculty. If you are needing a venue for group study and/or classroom access, please use the reservation system to complete your request.
Information Before you Arrive
- For individual study or group study. Please make sure to check room capacity. Seating capacity cannot be exceeded.
- Students can reserve up to two sessions (different locations and/or days) at a time.
- Reservations default to one hour with a maximum of two.
- Up to seven days in advance.
Your reservation will be canceled and made available to other students:
- If you are late or fail to occupy the study room within 10 minutes after the start of the reservation time.
- If you are sleeping in the study room. You will be asked to vacate the room for use by another study group.
If there are no other reservations scheduled, then a group can continue to use the room they are occupying by making another study room reservation. All study room reservations end 30 minutes prior to the library closing.
- Each study room is equipped with a whiteboard.
- Do not use markers other than the library-provided markers on the boards.
- Markers and supplies are available for checkout at the Information Desk in The Commons at Helm Library second floor.
- If utilized, please erase the board at the end of your session.
- For emergencies contact Campus Police, 270-745-2677 or 911.
- The lights must remain on at all times.
- Do not lock study room doors.
- Do not cover doors or windows.
- Do not rearrange the room layout by moving furniture in or out of the study rooms.
- Do not exceed the recommended room capacity.
- Vacate study rooms 30 minutes before the library closes.
- Please do not leave items unattended in the study rooms. You are solely responsible for your personal belongings. Unattended items will be collected by library staff.
- Only cold foods are allowed inside the library and study rooms.
- Regardless of vaccination status, the use of face coverings in university buildings are strongly encouraged.
- Please clean tables before leaving. Disinfectant cleaning wipes can be found on each floor.
- Be courteous and vacate the study room promptly when your time is up, gathering your belongings and properly disposing of trash.
- Be respectful of your fellow students as study rooms are not sound-proof!
- Study rooms are in high demand; save other activities like napping for elsewhere.
- Report disruptive behavior or misuse of study rooms to library staff at 270-745-3951.
Reserve Your Study Space

2 - 4 People
The group study rooms in The Commons at Helm Library are equipped with white boards, markers, and erasers (see the Information desk on the second floor). There is power just in case you're needing a recharge.

2 - 4 People
No reservation needed! If you are needing access to a small group study room in Raymond Cravens Library, please see the circulation desk on the fourth floor of Raymond Cravens Library.

5 - 12 People
No reservation needed! If you are needing access to a large group study room in Raymond Cravens Library, please see the circulation desk on the fourth floor of Raymond Cravens Library.

Up to 48 People (Both Rooms Together)
Faculty or Staff Only*
The Commons at Helm Library rooms 3002 and 3008 can be reserved individually or as one. A dividing partition is avaialble if a single room is desired. If you are needing additional resources, please specify in the reservation request.

One Person
We have a private Zoom room in room 601 of Raymond Cravens Library equipped with a PC that allows for a private Zoom meeting or the like. Or if you're needing some privacy for a project or exam, this room is a great fit!

3 People
Located on the third floor in The Commons at Helm Library, the One-Button Room provides a simple studio that allows patrons to create high quality video and audio recordings.