Library Services for WKU Faculty
Our Services
WKU Libraries is here to help you and your students! Our resources and services support teaching, learning, and research. Need help? Just Ask us!
One Search Catalog Document Services & ILL Liaison Librarians

- Request course-related library instruction:
- contact your library liaison.
- fill out our Information Literacy instruction form.
- learn more about using manuscrips, archives, and rare books in the classroom.
- Share our tutorials with your students.
- Course Reserves: place books, videos, or articles on physical or electronic reserve here.
- Learn about Open Educational Resources and using library-licensed materials to make your course more affordable.
- Schedule a research consultation with your liaison librarian.
- Make your research discoverable through TopSCHOLAR™, our Open Access institutional repository. (For more information contact Suellyn Lathrop).
- Want to recommend a purchase? Contact your liaison librarian or submit a materials purchase request.
- Find books, articles, and more using the WKU Libraries' One Search catalog.
- Browse our Research Guides to find databases in your subject, or search the complete A-Z database list.
- Request materials from other libraries through InterLibrary Loan.