WKU News
Kappa Delta to host annual Shamrock Shootout March 3-4
- Kappa Delta Sorority
- Thursday, February 15th, 2018
The Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority will host its annual Shamrock Shootout basketball tournament on March 3 and 4 at WKU's Preston Health and Activities Center.
Shamrock Shootout is a 5-on-5 basketball tournament that raises funds and awareness for the prevention of child abuse. Eighty percent of the funds raised will benefit the Bowling Green Family Enrichment Center, and the remaining 20 percent will support Prevent Child Abuse America, which is a Kappa Delta national philanthropy.
The tournament brings teams from all over WKU’s campus, as well as teams that travel to WKU for the tournament. There are 60 teams total this year. By popular demand, Kappa Delta’s Shamrock Shootout Committee has also revamped the tournament with a men’s and a co-rec bracket. Prize money is rewarded to winning teams. A silent auction will be available with items from Back Down South, College Graffiti, Starbucks and more.
Shamrock Shootout begins at 8 a.m. March 3 and 9 a.m. March 4. The championship game begins at 3 p.m. March 4.
The Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta was chartered and established on March 27, 1965, at WKU. In 2017, Delta Gamma was named Kappa Delta’s top collegiate chapter in the nation. The chapter’s current active membership total is 161 members. The chapter prides itself on its three core values: authenticity, confidence and integrity. The Delta Gamma chapter is ranked second on campus in sorority grades with an overall chapter GPA of 3.492. Kappa Delta works with Prevent Child Abuse America, as well as the Bowling Green Family Enrichment Center to help ensure that all children have a happy childhood. The chapter hosts two major fundraising events for these causes, Shenanigans in the fall and Shamrock Shootout in the spring.
Contact: Ali Meehan, alison.meehan861@topper.wku.edu;
or Haley Doerr, haley.doerr123@topper.wku.edu