WKU News
Financial Update
- Monday, March 24th, 2025
At WKU, robust financial health remains critical in supporting our work to fulfill our mission, strengthening our community and providing an exceptional experience for every student who chooses to study on our Hill. As we approach the final months of this fiscal year, I am pleased to report that our disciplined spending approach has produced strong campus-wide results, tracking ahead of last year at this time. While we continue closely monitoring actual revenue and expenditures to budget across all units, this progress reflects the collective efforts of our entire university community in maintaining responsible spending and ensuring we remain on a path of fiscal strength.
While enrollment numbers remain important, our leadership team also places additional emphasis on net tuition revenue, which accounts for the actual financial resources available to the university after scholarships and aid. A growing headcount does not always equate to increased revenue, especially if the cost of institutional aid per student is high. However, our net tuition revenue continues to exceed initial projections, reinforcing our ability to ensure WKU’s long-term financial stability.
Planning for the 2025-26 budget began last fall and remains a top priority. We have made significant progress, with key revenue parameters – including enrollment projections and tuition revenue – nearing finalization. The Budget Executive Committee, which includes faculty, staff and student representatives, continues to receive biweekly updates throughout the process and is now reviewing balanced budget scenarios. Meanwhile, vice presidents and deans are engaged in final discussions to ensure that our budget aligns with the university’s priorities and financial goals.
In the coming months, we will continue refining the budget to ensure it reflects our commitment to academic excellence, student success and institutional growth. We remain on track to present a balanced budget to the Board of Regents at its June special called budget meeting, a critical step in allocating the resources needed to support our mission and strategic initiatives in the year ahead.
As we continue our commitment to a transparent and collaborative budgeting process, we appreciate your engagement as it is vital to our success. Your input, dedication and responsible financial stewardship are shaping the future of WKU.
Timothy C. Caboni