WKU News
Parking Changes for 2025-2026
- Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Parking Services is making several parking zone changes as we adapt to campus changes, including the opening of the new Gordon Ford College of Business building. Refer to the 2025-2026 Parking Map to see these changes which will go into effect August 1, 2025. There are no permit fee changes for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
Top of the Hill Changes
1. The Hub Lot across from Cherry Hall will become a Public Parking lot serving the Hill. Use the ParkMobile app to pay for parking.
2. The entire College Hill Lot will become an FS3 Non-Premium parking zone for faculty and staff.
Expanded Designated Parking for Faculty
1. We are expanding designated parking for faculty in the Premium Zones this year by dividing the FS1 zone into three zones: FS1 for top of the Hill, FS4 for Mimosa and FS5 for Chestnut North. FS2 will remain as is around Diddle Arena.
a. What does this mean? For Premium Zones, your permit will only be honored in your zone. You will still have the ability to park down in Non-Premium zones.
b. Why the change? The additional zones will provide a better parking experience by matching waitlists to parking demand.
2. Chestnut Street North Lot will become premium parking for both faculty, staff and students.
a. The faculty/staff section will be zoned FS5 Premium parking.
b. The student section will be remain C2.
c. NEW: No faculty/staff permits will be honored in the premium C2 commuter zone. This will reduce the number of students displaced from their parking zone on a daily basis.
3. The Mimosa Lot will remain a premium lot but will be rezoned FS4.
a. To maximize the availability of parking within the Mimosa Lot, the reserved spaces will be consolidated within the lot and several will be relocated to the Clinical Services lot.
Implementing the Premium Zone Changes
When Permit Sales begin in mid-April:
· FS1 permit holders will have the option to choose from FS1, FS4 or FS5 Premium Permits as space allows. Waitlists will be available for sold out zones.
· FS2 permit holders will have the ability to purchase an FS2 Premium Permit.
· All faculty/staff will have the option of choosing an FS3 non-premium permit.
Any FS1, FS4 or FS5 permits remaining unsold on May 31st will be available on June 1st to any faculty or staff member for purchase until they are sold out. FS3 permit sales are not limited.
Click here to see the FS parking zones
NEW!!!! Introducing Digital Permits for FS1 and FS2 permit zones.
Parking Services is implementing License Plate Recognition technology to monitor permit zones. This means your license plate becomes your parking credential instead of a physical parking permit. Simply register your vehicle when you purchase your parking zone and park in your assigned zones.
· You can have up to 3 license plates actively registered to you at a time which you can manage on your online account; however, only 1 vehicle can be parked on campus at a given time.
o If more than one vehicle on your account is parked on campus concurrently, a citation for “No Permit Displayed” will be issued.
· Your license plate must face the driving lane in the parking lot.
o If you prefer to back into or pull through a parking space so your license plate would not be visible from the driving lane, you may purchase an RFID sticker for your front windshield to identify your vehicle. The first sticker will be issued complimentary.
o If your license plate is not visible and you do not have an RFID sticker displayed, you will be issued a citation for “No Permit Displayed”.
License Plate Recognition technology is widely used on campuses as a more efficient and effective tool for enforcing parking zones. Next year, we will expand the number of zones enforced with this technology.