WKU News
Big Red Restart Update
- Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020
Dear WKU Community:
Thank you to all those who took the time to provide feedback on the Big Red Restart draft that we shared last week. We were pleased to receive more than 700 feedback forms.
During the next few days, the Restart WKU Committees will continue their work, specifically reviewing every form and compiling recurring themes. These committees will then evaluate and discuss those themes, providing any recommended plan changes to the WKU COVID-19 Task Force for consideration. A revised plan incorporating feedback will be shared the week of June 15. Additionally, please visit wku.edu/restart often to get WKU’s most up-to-date restart information.
Thank you for sharing your ideas to help strengthen our community’s return to campus and the Big Red Restart plan.
Timothy C. Caboni
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