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Apr 1st, 2010
In 2009, William “Joey” Coe and Patrick Stewart became the first ever Udall Scholars at Western Kentucky University. Coe, a junior at WKU, has once again been honored as the only Udall Scholar from Kentucky in the 2010 competition.
View ArticleJan 21st, 2010
As body mass index (BMI) rises, so too does a person's risk of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), according to a Harvard-based research team.
View ArticleJan 21st, 2010
The kitchen is the heart of your home, but it might also be at the heart of your unwanted weight.
View ArticleNov 12th, 2009
Australian researchers have found, diet low in fat boost dieters mood than diet low in carb. The result suggests there are some aspect in low carb diet that may have had detrimental effects on mood.
View ArticleOct 20th, 2009
Mediterranean diet - not that fancy; very simple diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and fish can cut the risk of depression. Try it!
View ArticleOct 20th, 2009
A good hand wash is the key to prevent H1N1 flu and all other infectious diseases. One pair of dirty hands may ruine all the good works have been done. So don't forget to wash your hands, no matter how busy you are!
View ArticleOct 14th, 2009
Now the H1N1 flu has another way to lay you low. No more beer pong. No weekend fun with the friends, it may give you H1N1 flu; which you don't want anyway!
View ArticleOct 14th, 2009
Eating chocolate and drinkig water has the same effect that blunts pain. But chocolate, as you know, has other consequences like weight gain and such. Drinking water has the same effect and zero consequences, now its your choice!
View ArticleSep 30th, 2009
Exercise and dieting aside, there are behavioral and biological factors, which have real influence on your weight. Know, what are they and how they are working against your efforts to control your own weight.
View ArticleSep 30th, 2009
According to CDC, Of 77 people who died from complications of the H1N1 strain between May 1 and Aug. 20, nearly 30 percent, also had bacterial co-infections, including some caused by pneumococcus. Report also showed that 7 of the victims who died were
View ArticleSep 25th, 2009
Healt and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that there will be more than enough doses of H1N1 vaccine for everybody.
View ArticleSep 22nd, 2009
This year everybody is overwhelmed with flu. Even Doctors are worrying about the two flu strains, combination of these can make situation complecated. So, it is better to know the differences among cold, flu, and H1N1.
View ArticleSep 22nd, 2009
Flu can help trigger heart attack, which may increase 35% to 50 % heart attack deaths during this flu season. But vaccine can prevent these deaths.
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