All students in good academic standing who will reach sophomore status at the time of award can apply.
All areas of research, creative activity, and artistic performance are eligible. Projects must be student- initiated, although the initial concept can originate from the faculty mentor.
Faculty mentors can be any faculty member that works for the university. Our office encourages students to find a faculty member who is in their interested field of study, one the student has taken a past course with, or one they feel they have made a connection with during their time on the Hill.
Students who are awarded FUSE grants receive their stipend when the Final Report form has been submitted and all of the expected deliverables have been met. Students who do not successfully meet all the deliverables are not eligible to receive the $500.00 stipend.
FUSE funds are accessed through each faculty mentor's department. The department procurement card can be used to purchase research supplies and travel arrangements. After the purchase has been made, department personnel will send the transaction to FUSE for reimbursement.
FUSE Applications are reviewed by a minimum of 3 faculty who are from the same academic college as the faculty mentor.
Each cycle (Spring and Fall) run approximately 17 months. The Spring cycle begins in January and ends in May of the following year. The Fall cycle begins in August and ends in December of the following year. For example, Spring 2025 will run from 1-15-2025 through 5-15-2026. All spending should stop 30 days prior to the award's end date.