Research and Creative Activity Council
The Research and Creative Activity Council (RCAC) serves as an advisory committee
to the Associate Provost for Research and Creative Activity. The RCAC provides counsel
on a wide variety of matters relating to the research and creative enterprises of
WKU faculty, staff, and students. The group is composed of the following members:
Mr. Andrew Adler is an Associate Professor, Department Chair, Department of Library Collections & Discovery
Dr. Jeffrey Budziak is an Associate Professor of Political Science and currently serves as the Assistant
Dean in the Potter College of Arts and Letters.
Dr. Jenni Redifer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and also is the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Education and Behavioral Science
Dr. Ritchie Taylor is the Faculty Fellow for Research in the College of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Cathleen Webb is presently serving as the Associate Dean of Research of the Ogden College of Science and Engineering.
Dr. Lily Popova Zhuhadar is the Director of the Center for Applied Data Anaytics, Faculty Fellow for WKU Research and Creative Activity, and an Associate Professor of Analytics and Information Systems.