Student Activities Homecoming Events
Thank you to everyone that participated in this year's Homecoming. We look forward to your participation in 2021. Go Tops!!
Homecoming Video Challenge
Registered Student Organizations were able to submit a 3 minute video that showed their school spirit and related to this year's homecoming theme.
Chi Omega and Pike
Alpha Omicron Pi
Delta Zeta
Sigma Kappa
Phi Mu
Alpha Gamma Delta
Kappa Delta
Omega Phi Alpha
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Delta Pi
* Some videos will not play using Internet Explorer.
Homecoming Virtual Mask Competition
Organizations and participants got a chance to design an original mask that will be judge by both a select panel of judges and their peers.
Designs were judged on the following: School Spirit, Creativity, Originality, and Overall Design
Phi Mu
Alpha Delta Pi
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Kappa
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Chi Omega
Dance Big Red
Delta Zeta
Alpha Gamma Delta