Sample Thank You Letter
Sample Thank You Letter Format
Below is an example of letter format when writing your thank you letter. Your letter will leave a lasting impression with the donor. Be sincere.
(Donor Name)
(Name of Scholarship)
Dear (Donor Name),
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous gifts to the (Name of Scholarship). As the recipient of that scholarship, I am grateful for the assistance the scholarship has provided. …..(Express how you felt when you first learned you were the scholarship recipient and/or express how the scholarship will benefit you and your family).
At WKU this fall, I am... (list your classification, your major, what your plans are for this academic year. You might also mention any extra-curricular activities in which you are involved.)
Again, thank you for making the (Name of Scholarship) possible.
(Your Name)
Don’t forget - You also have two options to send your information electronically:
1. You may email your letter to
- OR -
2. You may go online and put your information into our “Thank You Campaign” Scholarship Recipient Profile.
Upon completion, your information will be automatically sent to our office.
Thank you!