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Sample Thank You Letter

Sample Thank You Letter Format

Below is an example of letter format when writing your thank you letter. Your letter will leave a lasting impression with the donor. Be sincere.

(Donor Name)

(Name of Scholarship)

(Donor Name),

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous gifts to the (Name of Scholarship).   As the recipient of that scholarship, I am grateful for the assistance the scholarship has provided. …..(Express how you felt when you first learned you were the scholarship recipient and/or express how the scholarship will benefit you and your family).

At WKU this fall, I am... (list your classification, your major, what your plans are for this academic year. You might also mention any extra-curricular activities in which you are involved.)

Again, thank you for making the (Name of Scholarship) possible.




(Your Name)


Don’t forget - You also have two options to send your information electronically:

1.  You may email your letter to tycampaign@wku.edu.

- OR -

2.  You may go online and put your information into our “Thank You Campaign” Scholarship Recipient Profile.


Upon completion, your information will be automatically sent to our office.

Thank you!

 Last Modified 9/29/21