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Thank You Letter Tip Sheet

Thank You Letter Tip Sheet

Not all writers are equal! If you are a skilled writer, please do not be offended by the following guidelines. Unfortunately, our office has received letters from students with misspelled words and poor grammar. Please take your time. You will be pleasantly surprised by how important you are to the donor of your scholarship. The donors and representatives comment many times about how much they have enjoyed reading the thank you letters they receive.

Tips for writing your Thank You Letter….




  • Donors want to know about YOU, personally.
  1.  Are you the first to go to WKU in your family or are you from a long line of WKU alumni?
  2.  Why did you choose WKU?
  3.  What are your career plans, extracurricular activities, major?
  • Mention the name of your scholarship and say thank you!
  • It is NOT important to date your letter. Some donors give scholarships to many students and we send thank you letters to them at one time.
  • Please use the donor contact’s name in the salutation of your letter. This letter is to the donor contact, even though you will send it to the Donor Engagement office.
  • Please DO NOT thank the donor contact for selecting you for the scholarship. Scholarship recipients are selected by the University Scholarship committee and the Financial Aid office, not by the scholarship donor contact.




  • Type or hand write your letter.
  • Your letter should be at least two paragraphs in length.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread!
  • If you use a computer to compose your letter, please take advantage of the spell check and grammar tools. If in doubt, ask for help. AND, before returning your letter to our office, please SIGN your letter above your typed name. (If sending electronically, signing is not necessary.)
  • Ask a friend, roommate or family member to read your letter. It is always good for a second set of eyes to look over your work. They can sometimes catch errors you might miss.




  • Your letter will leave a lasting impression with the donor. Be sincere.

 Please return your letter to Jill Blythe, Senior Donor Relations Specialist, via email to tycampaign@wku.edu.


Thank you!

 Last Modified 9/29/21