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WKU Sisterhood Spotlight: Patricia King ('12)

Patricia King ('12)

Hometown: Monticello, AR

Current City: Rineyville, KY 

When did you attend WKU? 2008-2012

What activities were you involved in as a student? I was a non-traditional student who worked full time. I had children in middle and high school. Their school activities and supporting them were my priority.

Do you have a favorite memory from the Hill? No, I attended the Elizabethtown-WKU Campus.

If you work, what do you do? Disability Compliance Specialist with the United States Postal Service.

Tell us about your family: Husband Don and children Ashley, Jeremy, Danitra, and bonus son David.

Do you have any passion projects other than WKU Sisterhood? Helping with Room In the Inn, a non-profit organization to help the homeless, educating families on the importance of financial literacy and creating generational wealth through home ownership.

Fun fact about yourself: I love traveling, watching and attending high school as well as college games. College Game Day on ESPN is a Saturday morning favorite.

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 Last Modified 1/31/24