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Program Requirements

Students seeking admission to the SMED program must earn a grade of C or higher in SMED 101/102 and must meet requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program.

 The SMED program* requires completion of 34 hours of professional education courses taught by SKyTeach Faculty and Master Teachers.

All professional education courses in Science and Mathematics Education (SMED) require clinical field experiences in order to meet Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB) guidelines

SMED 101: Introduction to Inquiry-Based Approaches to Teaching (1 hour)
SMED 102: Introduction to Inquiry-Based Lesson Design(2 hours)
SMED 210: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (3 hours)
SMED 320: Classroom Interactions(3 hours)
SPED 330: Intro to Exceptional Education: Diversity in Learning(3 hours)
SMED 340: Perspectives on Science and Mathematics (3 hours)
SMED 360: Research Methods for Science and Math Teachers (3 hours)
SMED 470: Project-Based Instruction (3 hours)
SMED 489: Student Teaching Seminar (3 hours)
MGE/SEC 490: Student Teaching(10 hours)








 *Note:  Students must also have a second major in one of the following:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Middle School Science, Middle Grades Mathematics, Secondary Mathematics

MGE 490 for students seeking middle grades certification, SEC 490 for students seeking secondary certification.

Recommended general education mathematics course is MATH 117 or MATH 118.



Students seeking additional academic advising regarding the SKyTeach program (SMED) at WKU should contact Karen Long at karen.long@wku.edu or 270.745.3900.

 Last Modified 10/8/18