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Rebecca Schwartz | Master of Arts in Social Responsibility & Sustainable Communities

Rebecca Schwartz

Rebecca Schwartz, SRSC 2014
Study Abroad Director, Texas Tech, Texas

The SRSC Master's program at WKU guides students to become active citizens in both local and global communities. Hands-on research is key to developing innovative approaches, and the SRSC program encourages and aids students in getting that kind of experience.  I would like to thank the ICSR and SRSC program specifically for allowing me the opportunity to conduct on site research in my field of applied ethics.  Spending resources to interview prostitutes in Amsterdam, or felons in Kentucky, can be a hard sell to people outside academia.  At the very least, it raises a few eyebrows.  But my advisers supported me, believed in my research, and helped me achieve me goals. Possibly the best part of the SRSC program is the diverse student population.  Working professionals, fresh-faced graduates, and people interested in changing careers, all provide unique outlooks on the various topics discussed.  Additionally, being able to discuss with people who have widely different backgrounds and life experiences encourages students to look at the issues in new and unique ways. Being exposed to different ideas and cultures help broaden my world view not just as a researcher, but as an individual.  I think the things I've learned as part of this program have made me a better person.


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 Last Modified 12/10/18