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Funding Sources for Student Scholarly Activities


Student Government Association (SGA) Scholar Development Grant


These $250 grants can offset expenses for conducting academic research, purchasing tangible items to support academic endeavors, and travel to professional conferences to present academic research.  All WKU students are welcome to apply.  Students may apply multiple times throughout the year; however, there is a maximum amount of $500 per student per academic year.  Applications may be picked up in the SGA office in Downing University Center 130.

FUSE Grant


Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement (FUSE) grants are designed to support undergraduate students' intellectual development by fostering active engagement in the areas of research, creative and scholarly activities, and/or artistic performances.

Graduate Student Research Grant


All WKU graduate students are welcome to apply for these grants to be used on acquiring materials and assistance for creative scholarship.  Students may apply for no more than three Student Research Grants per degree totaling $2,000.

Departmental Support


Many departments offer scholarships or are willing to provide some financial assistance to students working on creative or research-based projects, particularly those who have applied for funds from numerous sources. The Office of Student Financial Assistance maintains a list of links to department scholarships. Even if you do not find a scholarship on this list that would apply, check with your project advisor and department head. Additionally, some of the academic colleges on campus have discretionary research funds. Check with your project advisor and/or department head about approaching your academic dean.

Honors College


The Honors College offers Honors Development Grants (HDGs) to support Honors students' intellectual development by providing a maximum award of $500 to offset costs for traveling to professional conferences to present academic papers, conducting academic research, and purchasing tangible items to support academic endeavors. Students who plan on using HDG funds to complete a CE/T project may be considered for a CE/T Excellence Grant. CE/T Excellence Grant recipients are eligible for up to $1,500 in funds. Students should consult the Honors College website for detailed instructions and semester deadlines.

Undergraduate Research Page


The Undergraduate Research Page offers several different internal and external opportunities for students to present their research. The webpage is updated periodically to reflect these new opportunities. Be sure to visit this page periodically for new conference and scholarship opportunities!

Office of Scholar Development


If you think that you will need off-campus support to finish your project, you should contact the Office of Scholar Development (OSD). OSD supports students throughout the process of finding and applying for grants, scholarships, internships, and a variety of post-graduation opportunities. Staff members will work with individual students to write strong applications and proposals. Please visit the OSD website for additional information and resources.

Outside Support

Talk with your faculty mentor. What are the key professional organizations in your field? For example, the Kentucky Academy of Science has a grant program for students. Are there any field-specific honors societies you can join? Professional organizations and field-specific honors societies are a good place to start, and your faculty mentor should be able to point you in the right direction. You might also look into more general honors societies. Contact the Honors College for more information on these general honors societies.

"As an Honors Student studying French at WKU, I have had wonderful research opportunities that have paved my way toward graduate studies. I was even able to present my research at the Kentucky World Language Association Conference."

Jill R. Owen / Department of Modern Languages

 Last Modified 11/8/24